February 2, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Special
Agenda |
1. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS: Announcement by the Chairman as to the presence of a quorum, that the meeting has been duly called, and that the notice for the meeting has been posted for time required by law.
2. Information Items:
2.A. Principals address needs
2.B. Support Staff, Maintenance and Transportation Directors address needs
2.C. Athletic Directors address needs
2.D. Year 2009 needs assessment from Community Advisory Committee
3. Discussion Items:
3.A. Take testimony from:
3.A.1. BGR-Plan to address needs
3.A.2. ESC 17 (Kyle Wargo)
3.A.2.a. Board ethics during Bond election
3.A.2.b. What is a PAC and how is a PAC formed
3.A.2.c. Pros and cons of how to style bond packages
3.A.3. First Southwest (Jeff Robert)
3.A.3.a. What amount can SISD receive for an 8 cent replacement bond?
3.A.3.b. What amount is our bond limit for state help with EDA?
3.A.3.c. What dollar amount can we generate per penny with state assistance and without state assistance?
3.A.3.d. How do transfers affect I & S funds in state formulas?
3.A.4. Discussion of current transfer numbers and percentages.
4. Adjournment