March 20, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Board President, Melissa P. Guadiana
1.A. Establish Quorum
Board President, Melissa P. Guadiana
1.A.1. Present
1.A.2. Absent
1.A.3. Others Present
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Receive and approve minutes of regular meeting held on February 15th, 2023 & special meeting held on March 8th, 2023.
4. Awards and Recognition
Superintendent and Principals
4.A. Students
4.B. Staff
4.C. Student Presentations
5. Comments from Public Audience
6. Discussion and possible action to approve Payment Application 07 from Noble TX - Hurricane Hanna Repairs.
7. Discussion and possible action to renew Legal Services Retainer Agreement- Walsh Gallegos Trevino Kyle & Robinson P.C.
8. Discussion and possible action to approve Interlocal Agreement with Region One ESC for the 2022-23 School System Cooperative.
9. Discussion and possible action to approve instructional calendar for 2023-2024 school year.
10. Consideration of certification of unopposed candidates and possible action to cancel special election.
11. Principals' Reports: Laurie Kilbourn, Annette Arredondo, Nataniel Garza
Annette Arredondo & Laurie Kilbourn
11.A. Student Achievement/Activities
11.B. Curriculum and Instruction
11.C. Professional Development
11.D. Athletics & Extracurricular Activities
11.E. Miscellaneous
12. Business Office Report: Deborah Rodriguez
Deborah Rodriguez
12.A. Tax Collections Report
12.B. Financial Statements
12.C. Accounts Payable Report
13. Superintendent's Report: Albert Byrom
Albert Byrom
13.A. Attendance/Enrollment
13.B. Upcoming Events
14. Closed Session
14.A. Consultation with Attorney Pursuant to Government Code Chapter 551.071
14.B. Deliberation Regarding Real Property Pursuant to Government Code Chapter 551.072; to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.
14.C. Personnel Matters Pursuant to Government Code Chapter 551.074; to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
14.D. Student Discipline Pursuant to Government Code 551.082
14.E. Discussion regarding the deployment, or specific occasions for the implementation of security personnel or devices. Govt. Code 551.076
15. Reconvene in Open Session for Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
16. Adjournment