April 14, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Establish Quorum
1.A.1. Present
1.A.2. Absent
1.A.3. Others Present
2. Receive and Approve Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of March 10, 2020 and Special Board Meeting of March 26, 2020.
3. Comments from Public Audience
4. Discussion and public comment regarding Block Grant Funds
5. Discussion and possible action to renew Legal Services Retainer Agreement - Walsh Gallegos TreviƱo Russo & Kyle PC
6. Discussion and possible action to approve Request for Additional State Aid for Ad Valorem Tax Credit for the Magic Valley Wind Farm I project
7. Discussion and possible action to approve application for educator appraisal waivers due to extended school closure
8. Discussion and possible action to schedule May 2020 school board meeting
9. Discussion and possible action to approve budget amendment 20-01 for General Fund Function 81 - Facilities Acquisition and Construction
10. Consider and take possible action adopting a written resolution authorizing the purchase of a 30.00 acre tract, more or less, located in Willacy County, Texas, with the County Property Identification Number of 12242 and the Legal Description of G C I C, BLOCK 54, LOT 1A(W1/2) & 2B(E1/4), ACRES 30.0 ("Property"), and authorizing the Superintendent to negotiate the final purchase, execute the Real Estate Contract and close the sale.
11. Principals' Reports
11.A. Student Achievement/Activities
11.B. Curriculum and Instruction
11.C. Professional Development
11.D. Athletics & Extracurricular Activities
11.E. Miscellaneous
12. Business Office Report:
12.A. Tax Collections Report - February 2020
12.B. Financial Report - March 31, 2020
12.C. Accounts Payable for April 14, 2020
13. Superintendent's Report:
13.A. Attendance/Enrollment
13.B. Reporting periods - grading vs. attendance/funding
13.C. Board Training - From TEA FAQ
13.D. Upcoming Events
14. Closed Session
14.A. Consultation with Attorney Pursuant to Government Code Chapter 551.071
14.B. Deliberation Regarding Real Property Pursuant to Government Code Chapter 551.072; to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.
14.C. Personnel Matters Pursuant to Government Code Chapter 551.074; to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
14.C.1. Consider contract and compensation of elementary principal.
14.C.2. Consider contract and compensation of secondary principal.
14.C.3. Consider contract and compensation of business manager.
14.D. Student Discipline Pursuant to Government Code 551.082
15. Reconvene in Open Session for Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
15.A. Discussion and possible action - elementary principal's contract and compensation.
15.B. Discussion and possible action - secondary principal's contract and compensation.
15.C. Discussion and possible action - business manager's contract and compensation.
16. Adjournment