September 9, 2008 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Melissa Guadiana called the meeting to order at 6:41pm
1.A. Establish Quorum
1.A.1. Present
Melissa Guadiana, Maggie Sepulveda, Nora T. Vasquez, David Rodriguez, Norma Llanes and Frances Braswell
1.A.2. Absent
Felipe Quiroga
1.A.3. Others Present
Albert Pena, Ramiro Moreno and Esmeralda Rodriguez
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Receive and Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting for August 12, 2008
David Rodriguez made a motion to approve the Regular Board Meeting minutes for August 12, 2008. Nora T. Vasquez seconded the the motion. Motion carried.
4. Receive and Approve Minutes of Special Board Meeting for August 18, 2008
Nora T. Vasquez made a motion to approve the minutes of the Special Board Meeting for August 18, 2008. Norma Llanes seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5. Comments from Public Audience
6. Presentation of the Incentive Program, Continuation Grant, Governor's Educator Excellence Grant for High School 2008-2009
Mr. Pena gave the board the information for the Incentive Program, Continuation Grant, Governor's Educator Excellence Grant for High School 2008-2009.
7. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance 30 - Adoption of Tax Rate for 2008-09
Frances Braswell made a motion to approve Ordinance 30 Adoption of tax rate for 2008 - 2009. Nora T. Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
8. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Teacher Appraisers and Appraisal Calendar for 2008-2009
Nora T. Vasquez made a motion to approve Albert Pena and Ramiro Moreno to be the teacher appraisers and to approve the appraisal calendar for 2008 -2009. David Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
9. Discussion and Possible Action to Enter Into Agreement with Garate Property Consulting Service, Inc.
David Rodriguez made a motion to approve to enter into the agreement with Garate Property Consulting Service, Inc. Nora T. Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
10. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve District's Applications for T-STEM Academy Startup Grant, Cycle 4
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to approve the district's applications for T-STEM Academy Startup Grant, Cycle 4. Nora Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
11. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Interim Superintendent's Participation in First Time Superintendent's Academy
Nora T. Vasquez made a motion to approve the Interim Superintendent's participation in the First Time Superintendent's Academy. Norma Llanes seconded the motion. Motion carried.
12. Discussion and Possible Action to Renew Agreement with TASB Risk Management Fund - General Liability
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to approve the renewal Agreement with TASB Risk Management Fund - General Liablity. Nora T. Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
13. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Repairs to School Buildings Damaged by Hurricane Dolly
David Rodriguez made a motion to approve the repairs to School Buildings damaged by hurricane Dolly. Nora T. Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
14. Selection of Delegate and Alternate, TASB Conference
Melissa Guadiana will be the Delegate and David Rodriguez will be the Alternate.
15. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Amending Work Calendar for Agricultural Science Teacher
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to approve amending the work calendar for Agricultural Science Teacher. Nora T. Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
16. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Memorandum of Understanding with TSTC - Access to Success
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to approve the memorandum of Understanding with TSTC - Access to Success. Nora Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
17. Discussion and Possible Action to Renew Membership in National School Board Association
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion not to approve the renewal membership with the National School Board Association. David Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
18. Principal's Report
Talked to the board about the girls volleyball tournament, boys cross country, Lindamood-Bell testing, Education & Career EXPO, PTO, Staff Development, T-STEM, Fall Festival, Spirit Shirts, etc.
19. Business Office Report:
19.A. Tax Collections - August 2008
19.B. Financial Statement - August 2008
19.C. Accounts Payable - August 2008
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to approve to pay the bills. Nora T. Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
20. Superintendent's Report:
Mr. Pena talked to the board about the attendance enrollment, Hurricane Ike, Elementary Paraprofessional, Food Service Dept and upcoming events.
21. Closed Session
Melissa Guadiana, Board President, declared closed session at
21.A. Personnel Matters Pursuant to Government Code Chapter 551.074; to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
21.A.1. Employment
21.A.1.a. Contractual Employees
21.A.1.a.1. High School Science Teacher
21.A.1.b. Non-Contractual Employees
21.A.2. Resignations
21.A.2.a. Contractual Employees
21.A.2.b. Non-Contractual Employees
21.A.3. Personnel Matters
21.B. Discipline of School Children
22. Reconvene in Open Session for Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
Melissa Guadiana, Board President, declared open session at
22.A. Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to approve the one year probationary contract for the Patricia Brashear, High School Science Teacher. David Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
23. Adjournment
David Rodriguez made a motion to adjourn. Frances R. Braswell seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss, Melissa Guadiana, President, declared the meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.