May 21, 2007 at 6:30 PM - Special
Agenda |
1. Budget Workshop for 2007-2008
2. Call to Order
Melissa Guadiana, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m.
2.A. Establish Quorum
2.A.1. Present
Melissa Guadiana, Nora Vasquez, Maggie Sepulveda, Norma Llanes and Frances R. Braswell
2.A.2. Absent
Felipe Quiroga and David Rodriguez
2.A.3. Others Present
Carlos Guerra, Juan Gutierrez and Esmer Rodriguez
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Receive and Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of May 8, 2007
Nora Vasquez made a motion to approve the minutes for the Regular Board Meeting of May 8, 2007. Frances seconded the motion. Motion carried.
5. Approval of Canvassing Election Results of the School Board Election Held on May 12, 2007
The canvassing of the election results were reported by Carlos Guerra. The results were as follows:
Melissa Guadiana: Precinct 6 & 8 62 votes
Precinct 10 6 votes
Norma Llanes: Precinct 6 & 8 49 votes
Precinct 10 5 votes
John Ackers Precinct 6 & 8 17 votes
Precinct 10 14 votes
Grand Total 153 Voters
6. Oath of Office for Newly Elected School Board Trustees
The Oath of Office was administered by Esmer Rodriguez, Notary Public for the State of Texas, to b newly elected trustees, Melissa Guadiana and Norma Llanes.
7. Re-Organization of School Board Officers
A motion was made by Maggie Sepulveda to nominate Melissa Guadiana for President of the Board. A motion by Nora Vasquez was made to cease presidential nomintations. Norma Llanes seconded the motion. Motion carried. Melissa Guadiana was elected Board President by acclamation.
A motion was made by Norma Llanes to nominate Nora Vasques for Vice President of the Board. A motion by Maggie Sepulveda was made to cease Vice-President nomintations. Frances Braswell seconded the motion. Motion carried. Nora Vasquez was elected Vice President by acclamation.
A motion was made by Nora Vasquez to nominate Maggie Sepulveda for Secretary of the Board. A motion by France Braswell was made to cease secreterial nomintations. Norma Llanes seconded the motion. Motion carried. Melissa Guadiana was elected Board President by acclamation.
8. Approval of Order Canvassing Election Results of the Bond Election Held on Saturday, May 12, 2007
Mr. Carlos Guerra went over the Order Canvassing Election Results of the Bond Election. The results are as follows:
FOR = 70
Frances Braswell made a motion to approve the results of the Bond Election held on Saturday, May 12, 2007. Nora Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
9. Authorization to Bid for Video Surveillance Equipment
Mr. Guerra explained to the board how the school district would benefit from Video Surveillance in buildings and the school grounds. Nora Vasquez approved the district to take bids for the video surveillence with the exception that the district check to see if there should be a policy in place before this goes into effect. Norma Llanes seconded the motion. Motion carried.
10. Closed Session
10.A. Personnel Matters Pursuant to Government Code Chapter 551.074; to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
Melissa Guadiana declared closed session at 7:31pm.
10.A.1. Resignations
10.A.1.a. Contractual Employees
10.A.1.b. Non-Contractual Employees
10.A.2. Employment
10.A.2.a. Contractual Employees
10.A.2.b. Non-Contractual Employees
10.A.3. Personnel Matters
10.B. Discipline of School Children
11. Reconvene in Open Session for Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
Regular session reconvened at 9:39pm.
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to accept the resignation of Selene Flores effective the end of her 2006-2007 contract. Frances Braswell seconded the motion. Motion carried.
12. Adjournment
Maggies Sepulveda made motion to adjourn. Norma Lanes seconed the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business, Melissa Guadiana, President, declared the meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m.