January 14, 2008 at 6:45 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Melissa Guadiana, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:58 p.m.
1.A. Establish Quorum
1.A.1. Present
Melissa Guadiana, Nora T. Vasquez, Norma Llanes, David Rodrgiuez, Frances Braswell, Felipe Quiroga, Maggie Sepulveda
1.A.2. Absent
1.A.3. Others Present
Sandra Nieto, Albert Peña, Carlos Guerra and Esmer Rodriguez
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Receive and Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting for December 17, 2007
Frances Brasewell made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting for December 17, 2007. Felipe Quiroga seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4. Comments from Public Audience
4.A. School Board Appreciation
Students presented the board members with some gifts to show the schools appreciation. The board members were presented with the Proclomation and different gifts from the campuses.
5. Consideration and Approval Shared Services Agreement Wil-Cam Pupil Services
Nora T. Vasquez made a motion to approve the shared services agreement between the districts for Wil-Cam pupil services. David Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
For - 4
Against - 0
6. Consideration and Approval to Revision of Student Code of Conduct-Policy FNCE (Local)
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to approve the Student Code of Conduct - Policy FNCE (Local) revision. The change implements a $15 administrative fee for the return of confiscated "electronic devise" and restrict the use of cell phones to hours outside of the school day. David Rodrigez Seconded the motion. Motion carried.
For - 4
Against - 0
7. Principal's Report
Mrs. Nieto presented to the board and upcoming activities. Mrs. Nieto's list included new AR, STAR reading, TEMS-NASA Conference, UIL, Tip of Texas Livestock show, District Athletics and also mentioned that Ms. Steadman, Counselor, will have some former SPISD students that are attending college now to advise our seniors on what to prepare themselves for when they go off to college next year.
8. Business Office Report:
Mr. Albert Peña presented the board the business reports for December 2007.
8.A. Tax Collections - December 2007
8.B. Financial Statement - December 2007
8.C. Accounts Payable - December 2007
Nora T. Vasquez made a motion to approve paying all bills for December 2007. Felipe Quiroga seconded the motion. Motion carried.
9. Superintendent's Report:
Mr. Guerra presented to Board Members a memo with the enrollment and attendance figures. Mr. Guerra advised the Board with the dates that were available Team Building. The Board decided on Monday, February 18, 2008 for Team Building Training.
9.A. Attendance
9.B. Enrollment
9.C. Other
10. Closed Session
Melissa Guadiana declared closed session at 7:40 p.m.
10.A. Personnel Matters Pursuant to Government Code Chapter 551.074; to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
10.A.1. Resignations
10.A.1.a. Contractual Employees
10.A.1.b. Non-Contractual Employees
10.A.2. Employment
10.A.2.a. Contractual Employees
10.A.2.b. Non-Contractual Employees
10.A.3. Personnel Matters
10.A.4. Superintendent's Evaluation
10.B. Discipline of School Children
11. Reconvene in Open Session for Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
Melissa Guadiana declared open session at 11:56 p.m.
11.A. No action taken.
12. Adjournment
David Rodriguez made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nora Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business, Melissa Guadiana, President, declared the meeting adjourned at 11:56 p.m.