February 8, 2005 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Establish Quorum
1.A.1. Present
Melissa Guadiana, Felipe Quiroga, Nora Vasquez, Norma Llanes, Frances Rodriguez, Maggie Sepulveda
1.A.2. Absent
David Rodriguez
1.A.3. Others Present
Tony Lara, Lino Ochoa, Juan Gutierrez, Doyle Todd & Esmeralda Rodriguez
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Receive and Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of January 11, 2005
A motion was made by Frances Rodriguez to approve minutes of January 11, 2005. Nora Vasquez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4. Comments from Public Audience
5. Awards & Recognition
5.A. Students
Juan Gutierrez presented the student of the month with a plaque and also took pictures of all the students.
Mr. Westhoefer also talked about how well the students that went to the Academic Decathlon in Alpine, Texas had done. Mr. Westhoefer explained to the board and the audience what each student competed in and also how proude he was of each student.
5.B. Employees
Mr. Lara announced that Paula Villarreal was the employee of the month for January 2003. Paula was given a plaque for appreciation.
6. Public Hearing to Discuss & Disiminate Information Regarding San Perlita I.S.D.'s Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Report
The board was given a copy of the AEIS Report for 03-04 School Year. He explained what the AEIS was about. No one had any questions.
7. Information Regarding San Perlita I.S.D.'s School Report Cards
Mr. Lara had some information about the School Report Card to give to the board members that will be sent out to the parents.
8. Consideration & Approval of Lease Agreement Between San Perlita I.S.D. and Texas State Bank
Mr. Lara gave the board a copy of the lease agreement between San Perlita ISD and Texas State Bank and asked for consideration and approval on the agreement. Nora Vasquez made a motion to approve the Lease Agreement between San Perlita ISD and Texas State Bank. Maggie Sepulveda seconded the motion. Motion carried.
9. Legislative Update
The board was given some information on Legislative Updates that Mr. Lara had received at the Mid Winter Conference in Austin.
10. Consideration and Approval of Additional Stipends for SY 04-05
Mr. Lara asked the board to consider and approve a stipend for Music and Academic Decathlon for 2004-2005 school year. Nora Vasquez made a motion to approve the Music and Academic Decathlon Stipends for 2004-2005 school year.
11. Consideration and Approval of Textbook Committee for SY 04-05
Mr. Lara asked the board for approval for the following teachers to be accepted as the textbook committee for 2004-2005: Victoria Sauceda-Spanish, Randy Read-Music, Victoria Hernandez-Art, Marlene Guerra-Business and Technology and Denise Martinez-Health.
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to approve the group of teachers as the textbook committee for 2004-2005 school year. Frances Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
12. Consideration and Approval to Hold an Election for School Board Trustees, May 7, 2005:
Nora Vasquez made a motion for approval to hold an Election for School Board of Trustees on May 9, 2005 and to hold the elections at the District's central office building for early voting and recommendations as listed. Norma Llanes seconded the motion. Motion carried.
12.A. Call 2005 Election
12.B. Report of Continuing Education Requirment
12.C. Appointment of Officers to Conduct Election
12.D. Appoint Early Voting Clerks
12.E. Set Wages for Election Workers
12.F. Set Time and Place for Early Voting
13. Principal Report
13.A. Student Activities
13.B. Teacher Activities
13.C. Other
14. Business Office Report:
14.A. Tax Collections - January 2005
14.B. Financial Statement- January 2005
14.C. Accounts Payable - January 2005
Nora Vasquez made a motion to pay all bills. Frances Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carried.
15. Superintendent's Report:
15.A. Attendance
15.B. Enrollment
15.C. Construction
15.D. Conferences
16. Closed Session
16.A. Personnel Matters Pursuant to Government Code Chapter 551.074; to diliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee
16.A.1. Resignations
16.A.1.a. Contractual Employees
16.A.1.b. Non-Contractual Emploees
16.A.2. Employment
16.A.2.a. Contractual Employees
16.A.2.b. Non-Contractual Employees
16.B. Discipline of School Children
16.C. Reconvene in Open Session for Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
17. Adjournment
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to adjourn. Felipe Quiroga seconded the motion. Motion carried. There being no further business before the board, Melissa Guadiana, President, declared the meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m.