April 7, 2004 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Nora Vasquez, President, called the meeting to order at 6:43 p.m.
1.A. Establish Quorum:
1.A.1. Present:
Felipe Quiroga, Melissa Guadiana, Nora Vasquez, Norma Llanes, Frances Rodriguez, Maggie Sepulveda
1.A.2. Absent:
David Rodriguez
1.A.3. Others Present:
Tony Lara Jr., Juan Gutierrez, Esmeralda Rodriguez & Josie Ramirez
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Receive and Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings:
A motion was made by Frances Rodriguez to approve minutes of March 10, 2004. Norma Llanes seconded the motion. Motion carried.
4. Comments from Public Audience:
5. Awards and Recognition:
5.A. Students:
5.A.1. Citizens of the Month:
Theresa Linney & Doyle Todd, Principals of San Perlita ISD, announced the student citizens of the month for March 2004. Each student received a plaque while there were announced.
Ms. Creegan also let the Board of Trustees and the audience know the results of the UIL contest. She talked about the Elementary and High School UIL results and how proud she was of all of them.
5.B. Employees:
5.B.1. Employees of the Month:
Mr. Tony Lara Jr., Superintendent, announced that was Selene Flores was selected as employee of the month for March 2004. Ms. Flores was not able to make the meeting but will be given her plaque the next day.
6. Consideration and Approval of Certificate of Unopposed Candidates:
Mr. Lara presented the Certificate of Unopposed Candidates which declares that there were no other persons filing for a position for approval. Maggie Sepulveda made a motion for approval for consideration and approval of certificate of unopposed candidates. Felipe Quiroga seconded the motion. Motion carries.
7. Consideration and Approval of an Order of Election Cancellation:
Mr. Lara asked the board for approval for trustee election cancellation for 2004 due to the fact that there were no other candidates seeking electino to the board of trustees.
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion for approval of an Order of Election Cancellation. Frances Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carries.
8. Consideration and Approval of Texas Department Of Health Interlocal Agreement:
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to approve the Texas Department of Health Interlocal Agreement. Norma Llanes seconded the motion. Motion carried.
9. Consideration and Approval of Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network Agreement:
Norma Llanes made a motion for approval of the Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network Agreement. Frances Rodriguez seconded the motion. Motion carries.
10. Consideration and Approval of 2004-2005 Academic Calendar:
Melissa Guadiana made a motion for approval of the 2004-2005 Academic Calendar. Felipe Qurioga seconded the motion. Motion carried.
11. Consideration and Approval of 2004-2005 Teacher Salary Scale:
Melissa Guadiana made a motion for approval on the 2004-2005 Teacher Salary Scale. Norma Llanes seconded the motion. Motion carries.
12. Consideration and Approval For "Take Your Daugher to Work Day":
Mr. Lara asked the board for approval to change the "Take Your Daughter to Work Day to June 11th instead of April 4th since there was a conflict with our statewide TAKS Assessment.
Frances Rodriguez made a motion for approval to change the Take Your Daugher to Work Day. Melissa Guadiana seconded the motion. Motion carries.
13. Gear-Up Counselors Report:
13.A. Upcoming Gear Up Activities
13.B. Parental Involvement Sessions
14. Counselors Report:
14.A. Seniors
14.B. Student Activities
15. Principal of Curriculum and Instruction Report:
15.A. Intensive TAKS Tutoring
15.B. Instructional Workshops
16. Principal of Student Affairs & Technology Report:
16.A. Discipline
16.B. Grades
16.C. Technology
16.D. Other
17. Business Office Report:
17.A. Tax Collections - March 2004
17.B. Financial Statement- March 2004
17.C. Accounts Payable - March 2004
Felipe made a motion for approval to pay all bills. Melissa Guadiana seconded the motion.
18. Superintendent's Report:
18.A. Attendance
18.B. Enrollment
18.C. Construction
18.D. Other
19. Closed Session:
Nora Vasquez, President, declared cosed at 7:18 p.m.
19.A. Personnel Matters Pursuant to Texas Revised Civil Statutes Article 6252-17(g)
19.A.1. Resignations
19.A.1.a. Contractual Employees
19.A.1.a.1. Ruth Ann Taylor
19.A.1.a.2. Edward Castillo
19.A.1.a.3. Ernest Bass
19.A.1.b. Non-Contractual Employees
19.A.2. Employment
19.A.2.a. Contractual Employees
19.A.2.b. Non-Contractual Employees
19.A.3. Contracts Renewals and Non Renewals
19.A.3.a. Teachers
19.A.3.b. Counselor
19.A.3.c. Principals
19.A.3.d. Accountant
19.B. Discipline of School Children
19.C. Reconvene in Open Session for Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session:
Open session declared at 9:45 p.m.
20. Resignations:
20.A. Melissa Guadiana made a motion to accept the resignation of Ruth Ann Taylor. Felipe Quiroga seconded the motion.
20.B. Melissa Guadiana made a motion to accept the resignation for Edward Castillo. Frances Rodriguez seconded the motion.
20.C. Felipe Quiroga made a motion to accept the resignation of Ernest Bass. Norma Llanes seconded the motion. Motion carried.
21. Contract Renewals for School Year 2004-2005
21.A. A motion was made by Maggie Sepulveda to recommend a one year probationary contract for:
21.A.1. Blanca Herrera
21.A.2. Delia Hernandez
21.A.3. Sabrina Cavazos
21.A.4. Samantha Westhoefer
21.A.5. Paula Denise Martinez
21.B. The motion was seconded by Frances Rodriguez to recommend a one year probationary contract. Motion carries.
21.C. A motion was made by Norma Llanes to recommend a one year term contract for:
21.C.1. Barbara Creegan
21.C.2. Lloyd Collier
21.C.3. George Maurer
21.C.4. Nicolas Morado
21.C.5. Jesse Rodriguez
21.C.6. Albert Pena
21.C.7. Martin Cavazos
21.C.8. Mike Dominguez
21.C.9. Selene Flores
21.C.10. Mary Ann Guerra
21.C.11. Jayne Rhodes
21.C.12. Danette Salazar
21.C.13. Elaine Samson
21.D. The motion was seconded by Melissa Guadiana to recommend a one year term contract. Motion carries.
21.E. A motion was made by Maggie Sepulveda to recommend a one year contract for the Accountant, Juan Gutierrez. The motion was seconded by Norma Llanes. Motion carries.
21.F. A motion was made by Melissa Guadiana to recommend a one year term contract for the Counselor, Sulema Osuna. The motion was seconded by Frances Rodriguez. Motion carries.
21.G. A motion was made by Norma Llanes to recommend a one year term contract for the Principal, Theresa Linney. The motion was seconded by Frances Rodriguez. Motion carries.
21.H. A motion was made by Frances Rodriguez to recommend a one year term contract fro the Principal, Doyle Todd. The motion was seconded by Norma Llanes. Motion carries.
22. Adjournment.
Maggie Sepulveda made a motion to adjourn. Melissa Guadiana seconded the motion. Motion carries.
22.A. There being no further business to come before the board, Nora Vasquez, President, declared the meeting adjourned at 9:54 p.m.