February 19, 2003 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
Meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. All board members present along with administrators.
1.A. Establish Quorum
1.A.1. Present:
1.A.2. Absent:
1.A.3. Others Present:
2. Pledge of Allegiance
The Boys Scouts Troop #95 presented the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Receive and Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Maggie made the motion to approve the minutes of January 28, 2003. Second by Missy Guadiana. Motion carried.
4. Comments from Public Audience
No Public Audience
5. Awards and Recognition
Awards presented by Mrs. Linney and Mr. Todd for the Citizens of the month. Mr. Lara presented the Teacher of the month awards to Mary Ann Guerra and Dannett Salazar.
6. TASB Board Award
The Texas Association of Schools Bozrds has submitted an award to the San Perlita I.S.D. Board of Trustees in honor of 100% Participation at the TASB/TASA Conference held in Dallas Texas on September 27-30, 2002.
7. Consider repeal of the Board policy manual and adoption of (LOCAL) policies as prepared by TASB Policy Service (see attached list)
The motion...moved by Frances "I move that the Board adopt the (LOCAL) policies contained within the reconstructed "TASB Localized Policy Manual, effective this date, and repeal and all previous policies" 2nd by Felipe....Motion carries.
8. Consider for Approval Policy Update 69
Did not need to be approved. Legal Policy.
9. Consideration of Approval to submit the Statement of Impact Form Regarding Children of the Sun Charter School
Superintendent has been asjked to submit to the Texas Education agency a statement of ipoact of whether or not this New Charter School will affect our district, Children of the Sun Charter School. It was moved by Norma and 2nd by Frances stating that we have selected the response that indicated that this 'harter WILL affect the enrollment of our District.
10. Title III Notice of Grant Award
11. Consider for Approval District Texbook Committee 2002-2003
12. Secondary Principal's Report
12.A. TAKS "Super Monday"
12.B. Faculty and Staff Inservices
12.C. 9th Grade Initiative Grant/Compass Learning
12.D. Student Incentives
13. Elementary Principal's Report
13.A. TAKS Saturday Tutoring
13.B. Enrichment and Tutoring
13.C. Second Grade Update
14. Counselor's Report
14.A. Walmart Job Shadowing
14.B. TSTC Tech Days
14.C. Senior Class Update
15. Gear-Up Counselor's Report
15.A. College Tours
15.B. Job Shawdowing
16. Business Office Financial Reports
16.A. Financial Statements for January 2003
16.B. Tax Collection Report
16.C. Accounts Payable for Month of January 2003
Accounts Payable to be presented at Board Meeting
17. Interim Superintendent's Report
17.A. Enrollment
17.B. Percentage of Attendance
17.C. SPISD Construction
17.D. Other
18. Closed Session
"The board will now convene in a closed meeting to discuss the following items posted on our agenda this evening as allowed by the Texas Government Code (and/or Education Code):
18.A. Personnel Matters Pursuant to Texas Revised Civil Statutes Article 6252-17(g)
"No voting will take place in the closed meeting. Any action the board wished to take as a result of discussions in closed session will take place after the board reconvenes in the open meeting.
18.A.1. Interim Superintendents Evaluation
18.A.2. Employment of Marco Antonio Lara, Jr. as Superintendent of Schools
18.A.3. Superintendent's Contract
18.B. Discipline of School Children
19. Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
20. Adjournment