October 19, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. After a quorum has been established, the invocation will be given, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Open Forum
3. Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of September 21, 2020
3.B. Bills and accounts for the month of August
4. Reports:
4.A. Superintendent
4.A.1. Update on progression of 2020-2021 school year.
4.A.2. National Principals Month - Recognition of GISD Principals
4.A.3. Opportunities for Parental and Community Involvement
4.A.4. Recognition of Donors
4.B. Assistant Superintendent
4.B.1. First 9-weeks remote learning data report.
4.C. Chief Operations Officer
4.C.1. District Turnover Data
4.D. Finance
4.D.1. August Financial Report
5. The Board will consider Resolution for Extracurricular Status of 4-H organization.
6. The Board will consider the 2020 tax rolls including a mineral and real estate recap for 2020 showing the mineral and real estate tax levy.
7. In executive session, the Board will consider:
7.A. Personnel matters as allowed by the Texas Government Code 551.074 involving the resignation of professional personnel.
7.B. Consultation with legal counsel as allowed by Texas Government Code § 551.071.
7.C. Deliberation concerning value(s) of District real properties as allowed by Texas Government Code § 551.072.
8. The Superintendent will inform the Board of resignations accepted.
9. Deliberation and possible action(s) related to authorizing the sale of District real property located at 502 West Quitman Avenue, Gladewater, Texas (NW Corner lot at intersection of West Quitman and North West Street) by sealed bid process.
10. Deliberation and possible action(s) related to authorizing the sale of District real property located at 500 West Quitman Avenue, Gladewater, Texas (former Administration Building) by sealed bid process.