November 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to order and establish a quorum
2. Comments from the Public in Open Forum
3. Public Hearing on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) rating for 2019-2020.
4. Discussion and/or Action to approve the Minutes of the October 21, 2020 regular meeting.
5. Review the reports
5.a. Monthly Financial Statement
5.b. Monthly Bank Reconciliation
5.c. Monthly Investment Report
5.d. Upcoming events and training opportunities
5.e. Superintendent/Principal's Report
6. Discussion and/or Action to approve the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) members for 2020-2021.
7. Discussion and/or Action to approve an insurance supplement for employees.
8. Adjournment