June 19, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
1.a. Establish Quorum
1.b. Pledges
2. Comments from Public in Open Forum
3. Approve Consent Agenda
3.a. Approve Minutes for Special Meeting on May 27, 2013
3.b. Approve minutes from April 17, 2013 Board meeting
3.c. Budget Amendments
Brianne Schumann
3.d. Financial Reports
3.e. Stipend List
Tina Wheeler Math Stipend
3.f. Annual Retainer for Legal Counsel
4. Discussion, Reports, and Action Items:
(Formal action by the board may be taken on those items listed below as "Action Item." The board may, however, choose not to take action on items listed as "Action Item.")
4.a. Consider and approve option three for Recapture costs
4.b. Consider and approve audit proposal and engagement letter
4.c. Preliminary Appraised Values Presentation
4.d. Set budget workshop dates
4.e. Consider and approve 313 limitation extension
4.f. Consider and approve appointment of new board member
4.g. Disposal of 1998 GMC Sierra and 2003 Chevrolet Blazer
4.h. Review of Superintendent's goals for the District
4.i. Acquisition of new maintenance truck
4.j. Interlocal Agreement for Property and Windstorm Insurances
5. Board Member's request(s) for item(s) to be placed on next's month's agenda
6. Closed Session, As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.071 etc. seq
6.a. Consider and discuss resignations, reassignments and employment of personnel for term and probationary contracts.
6.b. Principal's Contract
7. Items Discussed in Closed Session
7.a. Principal's Contract
8. Adjournment