November 15, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Information
3.A. Homecoming Events: Parade, Carnival, Decades Dinner
3.B. October Parent Chat
3.C. Tornillo EL - PreK Center of Excellence
4. Trustee election items
4.A. Canvass of Trustee election: Place 1, Place 2, & Place 3
4.B. Resolution certifying election results
4.C. Officer certificate signing
4.D. Officer ethics statement
4.E. Oath of office - swear in Trustees
4.F. Election of Board Officers
4.G. Protocol Items - Other Information
4.G.1. Seating Arrangements, Etc.
4.G.2. Swap Contact Information
4.G.3. Board Packet Content
4.G.4. Any Other Suggestions
5. Minutes from previous meetings
5.A. September 19, 2012
5.B. No other meetings
6. Financial Items
6.A. Financial Information
6.B. Budget Amendments
6.C. Sarah Culver Bank Account
6.D. Resolutions
6.D.1. Investment Policy
6.D.2. Independent Source Training Provider
6.D.3. ISD Investment Officers
6.E. Approve Property Insurance Payment
6.F. Region 16 ESC Tex-Buy Cooperative
7. Administration Items
7.A. Electronic Bid Policies
7.B. Junior High Gym Floor
7.C. Personnel
7.C.1. Employment Action Options w/Attorney Counsultation:
7.C.1.a. Propose Suspension Without Pay for Probationary and Term Contract Employees
7.C.1.b. Propose Immediate Termination of Probationary and/or Term Contract Employees
7.C.1.c. Propose End-of-Year Termination of Probationary Contract Employee
7.C.1.d. Propose End-of-Year Non-Renewal of Term Contract Employee
7.C.2. Superintendent's Employment Recommendations w/Attorney Counsultation
8. Board Items
8.A. TEA Audit Report Options w/Attorney Counsultation
8.B. Local Policy Update 95
8.C. DEC Local Modification
8.D. Eminent Domain Resolution
8.E. TASB Media Honor Roll
9. Next Meeting Tentative Date: December 19, 2012
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November 12, 2012