November 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Special Called Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Julie Ramos, Board President
2. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comments/Open Forum
5. Board Action Items
5.A. Discussion and Possible Action to Terminate Existing Legal Services Agreements and to Approve O’Hanlon, Demerath and Castillo Law Firm as Legal Counsel.
Julie Ramos, Board President
5.B. Discussion and Possible Action to Adopt Updates to Board Policies CH (Local), BE (local), DC (local), and DCD (local).
Julie Ramos, Board President
5.C. Discussion and Possible Action to Adopt Update to Board Operating Procedures.
Julie Ramos, Board President
5.D. Discussion and Possible Action to Retain Education Service Center, Region 2 for Internal Financial Services and Audit.
Julie Ramos, Board President
6. Executive Session
6.A. Discussion regarding the contract, role, duties, obligations, and responsibilities of the Superintendent and possible violations thereof;
6.B. Discussion with legal counsel regarding Superintendent/Administrative investigation.
7. Action Item - Consideration of items discussed in Executive Session
7.A. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Superintendent/Administrative Investigation.
7.B. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the role, duties, obligations, and responsibilities of the Superintendent, and/or reprimand Superintendent, and/or to place Superintendent on Administrative Leave.
8. Adjournment