June 26, 2023 at 5:45 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Declaration of a Quorum / Call Meeting to order
II. Executive Session Closed to public (5:45 - 6:45 p.m.)
III. Goal 1.2: Extracurricular: Provide comprehensive extracurricular programs that will increase student participation and success
Belief 6: The community that takes radical responsibility for developing, supporting, and encouraging students creates an environment for continued success. |
III.A. Spotlight on Excellence (6:45 p.m.)
IV. Public Hearing: Discussion of 2023-2024 Budget and Tax Rate (7:00 p.m.)
V. Public Comments (7:15 p.m.)
VI. Consent Agenda:
VI.A. Consideration and action to approve monthly financial reports
VI.B. Consideration and action to approve board minutes: May 22, 2023
VI.C. Consideration and action to approve fundraiser requests for 2023-2024
VI.D. Consideration and action to approve contracted services with Region XVI Service Center for 2023-2024
VI.E. Consideration and action to approve the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between Pampa ISD and surrounding school districts regarding interlocal bussing of transfer students
VI.F. Consideration and action to approve agreement with Brown, Graham and Company for the 2023-2024 PISD audit
VI.G. Consideration and action to approve renewal and purchase of the Imagine Edgenuity program for 2023-2024
VI.H. Consideration and action to approve the renewal and purchase of Canvas web-based learning management system
VI.I. Consideration and action to approve renewal and purchase of Branching Minds program for 2023-2024
VI.J. Consideration and action to renew and purchase Texas Studies Weekly Social Studies materials
VI.K. Consideration and action to renew and purchase Carnegie Learning Math Instructional Materials
VI.L. Consideration and action to renew and purchase STEMscopes Science Instructional Materials
VI.M. Consideration and action to approve purchase of Reading Horizons Reading Curriculum
VI.N. Consideration and action to approve purchase of Great Minds Math Curriculum
VI.O. Consideration and action to approve 2023-2024 PHS Band trip
VI.P. Consideration and action to approve an Addendum for MOU with Region XVI for nursing grant
VI.Q. Consideration and action to approve the Safety and Security Audit
VI.R. Consideration and action to approve the sell of delinquent tax property
VII. Discussion / Action Items:
VII.A. Consideration and action to approve the final budget amendment for 2022-2023
VII.B. Consideration and action to approve the 2023-2024 budget
VII.C. Consideration and action to approve a resolution to commit a portion of fund balance to committed investments
VII.D. Consideration and action to approve the compensation plan for the 2023-2024 year
Consideration and action to approve final budget amendment for the 2022-2023 budget
VII.E. Consideration and possible action to approve student meal prices for the 2023-2024 school year
VII.F. Consideration and action to approve the purchase of safety window film
VII.G. Consideration and action to purchase ChromeBooks
VII.H. First reading of TASB Policy Update 121
VII.I. Consideration and action to appoint board delegates for the 2023 TASA/TASB Convention
VII.J. Goal 2: We will invest in safe and innovative schools
Goal 2.1: Facilities: Design and invest in facilities to support current and future needs of all students. |
VII.J.1. Construction report
VIII. Information:
VIII.A. End-of-year enrollment report for 2022-2023
VIII.B. Major Injury Report for 2022-2023
VIII.C. Arrest and Citation Report for 2022-2023
IX. Reports:
IX.A. Safety and Security Report
X. Goal 1.5: High quality staff: recruit, grow, and retain high quality talent
X.A. Personnel:
X.A.1. Employment of professional employee(s)