May 22, 2023 at 5:45 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Declaration of a Quorum / Call Meeting to order
II. Administration of Oath of Office and swearing in newly elected Board Members
III. Executive Session Closed to public (5:45 - 6:45 p.m.)
IV. Goal 1.2: Extracurricular: Provide comprehensive extracurricular programs that will increase student participation and success
Belief 6: The community that takes radical responsibility for developing, supporting, and encouraging students creates an environment for continued success. |
IV.A. Spotlight on Excellence
V. Public Comments (7:15 p.m.)
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Consideration and action to approve monthly financial reports
VI.B. Consideration and action to approve board minutes: April 24, 2023 and May 10, 2023
VI.C. Consideration and action to approve instructional materials allotment and TEKS certification
VI.D. Consideration and action to approve submission of low attendance waiver to TEA
VII. Discussion / Action Items:
VII.A. Goal 2: We will invest in safe and innovative schools
Goal 2.1: Facilities: Design and invest in facilities to support current and future needs of all students. |
VII.A.1. Budget Workshop
VII.A.2. Consideration and action to approve the tax rate to be included in the public notice
VII.A.3. Consideration and action to approve a reimbursement resolution expressing intent to reimburse expenditures from proceeds of future obligations
VII.A.4. Consideration and action on a resolution designating a construction delivery method, setting weighted criteria, and other action related thereto for the District's 2023 Bond Projects
VII.A.5. Set a meeting date to hold a Public Hearing to adopt the 2023-2024 budget
VII.A.6. Fund Balance Classification Update: Discuss moving the District's emergency savings to committed or assigned from unassigned
VII.B. Goal 1.6 Instructional Components: Ensure the quality of aligned instructional processes
VII.B.1. Consideration and action to approve revisions to policy EIA(LOCAL): Academic Achievement: Grading / Progress Reports to Parents
VII.B.2. Consideration and possible action to approve revised 2023-2024 PISD Academic Calendar
VII.C. Discussion and possible action regarding reorganization of Board of Trustee Officer positions
VII.D. Discussion of West Texas A & M University Annual Spring Board Conference
VIII. Information:
VIII.A. Enrollment Report
IX. Reports:
IX.A. Strategic Planning Update - Year 3
IX.B. Student Health Advisory Council Committee (SHAC) annual update
IX.C. Hear report from Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP regarding tax collections
X. Goal 1.5: High quality staff: recruit, grow, and retain high quality talent
X.A. Personnel:
X.A.1. Employment of professional employee(s)
X.A.2. Employment of non-chapter 21 employee(s)