November 6, 2008 at 6:00 PM - Special
Agenda |
I. Call to order / Declaration of a Quorum
II. Construction Update
II.A. Discuss change orders previously approved
II.B. Report on progress of receiving utility easements
III. Discussion and possible action to approve the location of the double sided electronic marquee sign at the new junior high school.
IV. Discussion and possible action to establish a plan to adopt a mascot and graphics for the gymn walls at the new junior high school.
V. Discussion and possible action to finalize a layout for the outdoor play area at the new junior high school.
VI. Discussion and possible action to establish a plan for naming the new junior high school.
VII. Discussion and posible action to determine a need for a barbed wire fence extending on both sides of the main access road from HWY70 to the new junior high school.
VIII. Discussion and possible action to approve the type of classroom doors to be installed at the new junior high school.
IX. Discussion and possible action to determine possible relocation of the Harvester Statue and engraved bricks at the high school.
X. Discussion and possible action to approve plans for removing/relocating the concrete fence on the south side of the high school.
XI. Receive report of comparable Amarillo elementary schools to Pampa elementary schools
XII. Discuss traffic concerns at the campuses
XIII. Consideration and action to approve tax roll
XIV. Discuss Superintendent's evaluation
XV. Personnel: Employ professional employee