July 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum, Call to Order
2. Open Forum/Public Comments
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Minutes for June 19, 2023 Meeting
4. Review of board meeting dates for 2023-24 school year
5. Review of District Improvement Plan for 2022-23 school year
6. Review of the annual SHAC Report
7. Review of Student Dress Code.
8. Discussion regarding Safe and Supportive School Program procedures.
9. Discussion and consideration on budget amendment and update
10. Reports
10.A. Superintendent
10.B. Business Manager
10.C. Principals
10.D. Curriculum Director
10.E. ESL Director
10.F. Band Director
10.G. Athletic Director
10.H. Technology
10.I. Special Education
10.J. Maintenance
10.K. Transportation
10.L. Ag Science
11. Executive Session
11.A. Formative Review of Superintendent's Goals
11.B. Pursuant of 551-074: deliberation of Board and Superintendent roles regarding discussion and application of survey data.
11.C. Personnel
11.D. New hire for 2023-2024 positions
11.E. Roles and responsibilities of Board members.
12. Discussion and consideration of Personnel
13. Future Business
14. Adjournment