December 17, 2022 at 10:00 AM - Canvass Election Returns - Re-Count
Agenda |
I. Meeting called to order for the Canvassing for BISD Trustee Place 2 of Elections Returns for the Recount of BISD Trustee Election held on November 8, 2022.
II. Moment of Silence.
III. Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Roll Call:
V. Brownsville Independent School District Trustee Election - Canvass Place 2. (Recount of BISD Trustee Election held November 8, 2022).
VI. Certificate of Election issued to newly elected Board of Trustees.
VII. Statement of Elected Officer issued to newly elected Board of Trustees.
VIII. Oath of Office issued to newly elected Board of Trustees.
IX. Public Comment
X. Adjourn