March 6, 2018 at 3:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order.
II. Moment of Silence.
III. Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Roll Call:
V. Recommend approving the agenda of the Regular Board Meeting of Tuesday, March 6, 2018, with any corrections/deletions.
VI. Recommend approval of minutes for the Regular Board Meeting held August 1, 2017, with any corrections.
VII. Recommend approving the Consent Agenda. The Board has agreed to discuss the following items. All of the items below that are not called out will be approved by consent.
VIII. CLOSED MEETING: as pursuant to the Texas Government Code Sections: 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.082, and 551.084.
IX. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding all pending grievance(s) - Ms. Elia Cornejo Lopez on behalf of 2 students.
X. Board Reconvenes - Possible Board action on items discussed in executive session.
(All presentations limited to five (5) minutes) |
XI. Superintendent's Report
XI.A. Conference Presentations:
XI.A.1. Recognition of Pace High School's Varsity Basketball Team (Board Member Request - MP)
XI.A.2. Recognition of The Battle of the North and South Flag Football the best in SOUTH Texas 7 on 7. (Board Member Request - MP)
XI.A.3. Brownsville Independent School District Health Care Plan Cash Flow for the period ending February 28, 2018.
XI.A.4. Brownsville Independent School District Financial Report for the period ending January 31, 2018.
XI.A.5. Presentation on District/School Safety and Security Measures. (Administration and All Board Members Request)
XI.B. Standing Board Agenda Items:
XI.B.1. Board Calendars: Board Activity Calendar and District Calendar
Persons who want to address the Board of Trustees during the Public Audience portion of today’s meeting shall print their names on the form provided. According to BISD Policy BED (Local), only those persons on the form who request to address the Board shall be heard. The speaker shall limit comments to five minutes or the allotted time. The Board shall allot no more than 30 minutes for Public Audience. Complaints or grievances on the following subjects; employee complaints, termination of employment, student complaints, removal to alternative education program, and expulsion, shall be directed to the appropriate policy for attempted resolution before bringing the matter to the Board as authorized by the Texas Government Code Title 5-Section: 551.074 (1) and (2). The Board President shall determine if the topic shall be redirected to the appropriate policy or redirected to Administration. Public comments on issues shall be constructive and courteous.
The Board may deliberate or take action regarding the following agenda items. Board policy BE (Local) and Robert's Rules limits debate to two opportunities. A Trustee may debate a motion for two minutes on the first speaking opportunity and one minute on the second opportunity. |
XIII. Consent Agenda:
XIII.A. Recommend approval of the following General Function Item(s):
XIII.A.1. Recommend approving $400,000.00 for added security for secondary campuses for the 2017-2018 school year. Discussion on subsequent year security funding will be discussed at budget planning process.
XIII.A.2. Recommend approval of the 2017-2018 Campus Improvement Plans as required by the Texas Education Code. The Camus Improvement Plans serve as the guidance documents for the continuous improvement of all student performances in order to attain state standards. The revised Campus Improvement Plan documents include the Board's 2017-2018 goals and priorities for the district.
XIII.A.3. Recommend to accept and approve the cost proposal from Green Rubiano & Associates, Harlingen, Texas for Structural Engineering Services windstorm certification compliance for canopy projects in the amount not to exceed $6,000.00 to be paid from Fund 189 (Maintenance Tax Note).
XIII.B. Recommend approval of the following Payment(s):
XIII.B.1. Recommend approval for payment in the amount of $14,722.22 to Walsh, Gallegos, Trevino, Russo & Kyle, P.C. for ongoing Board approved legal services.
XIII.B.2. Recommend approval for payment in the amount of $58.50 to Colvin, Saenz, Rodriguez & Kannamer, L.L.P.
XIII.B.3. Recommend approval for payment in the amount of $5,492.50 to Esparza & Garza, L.L.P. for ongoing Board approved legal services.
XIII.B.4. Recommend approval of Payment #3 for $238,759.40 as partial payment to Paragon Sports Constructors for Construction Services work completed to the Hanna ECHS Artificial Turf Soccer Field to be paid from TRE Fund 197.
XIII.B.5. Recommend approval of Payment #2 for $261,063.61 as partial payment to Paragon Sports Constructors for Construction Services work completed on the Hanna ECHS Artificial Turf Soccer Field to be paid from TRE Fund 197.
XIII.B.6. Recommend approval of Payment #2 for $51,702.14 as partial payment to G&T Paving, LLC for Construction Services work completed on the Besteiro MS - Four Lane Track to be paid from TRE Fund 197.
XIII.B.7. Recommend approval of Payment #9 for $7,207.20 as partial payment to PBK Architects for Construction Services work completed on the Pace ECHS Fine Arts Building to be paid from TRE Fund 197.
XIII.B.8. Recommend approval of Payment #7 for $36,900.00 as partial payment to PBK Architects for Construction Services work completed on the Porter ECHS Fine Arts Building to be paid from TRE Fund 197.
XIII.B.9. Recommend approval of Payment #1 for $175,000.00 as partial payment to PBK Architects for field assessment work completed on the Facility Interior Assessment to be paid from Fund 189 Maintenance Tax Note.
XIII.B.10. Discussion, consideration and possible action to pay annual membership dues to the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce in the amount not to exceed $5,000.00 from budgeted Local Maintenance Funds.
XIII.C. Recommend approval of the following Budget Amendment(s):
XIII.C.1. Recommend approval of Budget Amendment #019 in the amount of $64,501.00 from Local Funds. (Reallocation as requested by campuses and departments)
XIII.D. Recommend approval of the following Contract(s)/Agreement(s):
XIII.D.1. Recommend approval to continue the End User Agreement with Region 4 Education Service Center to implement J.D. Palatine with BISD, for background checks, for the 2018-2019 school year at a cost of $52,200.00. Services are to be rendered subject to the District's needs and funding.
XIII.D.2. Recommend approval to partner with UTRGV Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy in the Era of Multi Messenger Astronomy Grant Amendment request to the National Science Foundation. This grant will be applicable for the 2018-2019 school year if the amendment is awarded and will benefit all students enrolled in the Astronomy Course.
XIII.E. Recommend approval of the following Bid(s)/Proposal(s)/Purchase(s)
XIII.E.1. Recommend awarding CSP #18-122 Lopez ECHS Cafeteria Dining Area Renovation and Furniture Replacement to Palmer Hamilton, Elkhorn, Wi.
XIII.E.2. Recommend awarding Bid #18-014 Media Center Paper and Printing Supplies District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $473,118.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
XIII.E.3. Recommend awarding Bid #18-026 Janitorial and Paper/Plastic Products for Food Services Department to several vendors. Approximate amount of $1,300,000.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
XIII.E.4. Recommend awarding Bid #18-067 Fire System Annual Inspections and Repair on Fire Back Flows, Risers and Fire Pumps District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $294,772.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
XIII.E.5. Recommend awarding Bid #18-083 Sheet Metal Materials/Installation District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $50,000.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
XIII.E.6. Recommend awarding Bid #18-084 Parts/Repair Services for Ground and Heavy Maintenance Equipment District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $86,943.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
XIII.E.7. Recommend awarding Bid #18-086 HVAC and Chiller Preventive Maintenance District-wide to several vendors and cast lots for 2nd and 3rd vendor of choice of said bid. Approximate amount of $380,745.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
XIII.E.8. Recommend awarding Bid #18-087 Repair Parts for School Buses and Support Vehicles to several vendors and cast lots for item #20 of said bid. Approximate amount of $344,884.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
XIII.E.9. Recommend awarding Bid #18-088 Plumbing Supplies District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $310,554.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
XIII.E.10. Recommend awarding Bid #18-089 Door Repair/Replacement District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $59,528.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
XIII.E.11. Recommend awarding Bid #18-090 Plumbing Services District-wide to several vendors. Approximate amount of $334,445.00 from Local and Categorical Funds. (Annual Bid)
XIV. CLOSED MEETING: as pursuant to the Texas Government Code Sections: 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.082, and 551.084.
XIV.A.1. Presentation, acceptance and approval of retirements. (16)
XIV.A.2. Presentation, acceptance and approval of resignations. (3)
XIV.A.3. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2017-2018 school year - Assistant Principal. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XIV.A.4. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2017-2018 school year - GEAR-UP Counselors. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (3)
XIV.A.5. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2017-2018 school year - Nurse. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XIV.A.6. Recommend approval of probationary contractual personnel for the 2017-2018 school year - Teachers. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (6)
XIV.A.7. Recommend approval of term non-chapter 21 contractual personnel for the 2017-2018 school year - Career and Technical Education Administrator (Dr. Juan Chavez, Jr.). Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XIV.A.8. Recommend approval of term non-chapter 21 contractual personnel for the 2017-2018 school year - Grant Specialist. Subject to receipt of all outstanding documentation. (1)
XIV.A.9. Recommend approval of Campus Professional Staff for One Year Term contracts for the 2018-2019 school year.
XIV.A.10. Recommend approval of Campus Professional Staff for Probationary contracts for the 2018-2019 school year.
XIV.A.11. Recommend approval to compensate professional employee (L.E.M.) for two (2) years experience earned but not paid in the following fiscal school years: 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017.
XIV.A.12. Recommend approval to compensate professional employee (V.G.G.) for two (2) years experience earned but not paid in the following fiscal school years: 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017.
XIV.A.13. Board Self Evaluation.
* Employee Complaint |
XIV.A.14. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation and duties of the Superintendent.
* April 2018 update on Board Goals & Benchmarks |
XV. BOARD RECONVENES - Possible Board action on items discussed in executive session.
XVI. Board Member Request(s)
XVI.A. Conference Presentation(s)
XVI.A.1. Presentation and discussion regarding the process by which the Athletics Department and/or the Athletic Director reviews and selects vendors for the campuses. (Board Member Request - SPA)
XVI.A.2. Review of BISD properties that have not been utilized and are currently planned for BISD use in the very near future. (Board Member Request - JAR)
XVI.A.3. Presentation regarding our district's marketing efforts to retain and recruit students to our district. (Board Member Request - SPA)
XVI.B. Action Item(s)
XVI.B.1. Discussion, consideration and possible action for Region 1 Superintendent of the Year award nomination. (Board Member Request - CL)
XVII. Announcement(s):
XVII.A. Next scheduled Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees is on Tuesday, April 3, 2018.
XVIII. Adjournment.