January 24, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Establish Quorum
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Gladiator Regiment Band Leadership Team-Rushton Trees, Bryant Haake, Evelyn South, Isabella Garza, Madison Caudle, Gabrielle Haake, Addison Kizer, Lora Jennings, KD Riddle, Faith Zachary
3. Invocation
4. Recognitions
4.A. School Board Appreciation Month
5. District Financial Audit Presentation
6. Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) and Federal Report Card Public Hearing
7. TAPR & Federal Report Card Open Forum
8. Open Forum
9. Action Items
9.A. Consent Agenda
9.A.1. Prior Month Meeting Minutes
9.A.2. Approval of payments over $25,000
9.A.3. Statement of Impact from Faith Family Academy-Expansion Amendment
9.B. Consider and take possible action on the District Financial Audit for Period Ending August 31, 2021
9.C. Consider and take possible action to Order the May 2022 Election and Notice of General Election
9.D. Consider and take possible action on approval of the Joint Election Contract for Election Services with Ellis County
9.E. Consider and take possible action on revisions to COVID protocols.
9.F. Consider and take possible action on the Contract for the Superintendent
9.G. Consider and take possible action on the approval for scope of work on insulation for the fieldhouse project with a proposal of $94,470
9.H. Consider and take possible action on the approval for scope of work on HVAC for the fieldhouse project with a proposal of $247,468 plus a $4712 bond add
10. Reports
10.A. Stafford Elementary Report
10.B. Junior High/High School Report
10.C. Director of Operation Reports
10.C.1. Transportation Report
10.C.2. Utility Report
10.D. Director of Technology Report
10.E. Director of Teaching and Learning Report
10.F. Director of Athletics Report
10.G. Director of ECSSA Report
10.H. Director of Food Service Report
10.I. Enrollment
10.J. Finance Reports
10.J.1. Financial Statement
10.J.2. Tax Collections
10.J.3. Monthly Investment and Cash Position Report
10.J.4. Check Payments
11. Information Items
12. Adjourn to Closed Session
12.A. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee
12.B. Hear and discuss Level III parent/student grievance appeal pursuant to section 551.082 and 551.0821 of the Texas Government Code
13. Reconvene into Open Session
13.A. Consider and take possible action regarding parent grievance appeal.
14. Adjourn to Closed Session
14.A. Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee.
14.B. Texas Government Code, Section 551.071: For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any and all subjects or matters authorized by law.
14.C. Consultation with legal counsel regarding appraised value limitation application from Boxcar Solar South, LLC related to a solar powered electric generating facility. Tex. Gov't Code, Section 551.071 and 551.087.
15. Reconvene into Open Session
15.A. Possible action to consider appraised value limitation application from Boxcar Solar South, LLC related to a solar powered electric generating facility, including request for waiver of new qualifying job creation requirement.
15.B. Possible action to approve agreement with McDowell School Finance Consulting related to appraised value limitation application from Boxcar Solar South, LLC
15.C. Possible action to engagement agreement with Walsh Gallegos Trevino Kyle Robinson as legal counsel related to appraised value limitation application from Boxcar Solar South, LLC.
16. Adjourn