March 24, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
3. Student/Staff Recognition
4. Open Forum
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
5.B. Enrollment
5.C. Utility Report
5.D. Transportation Report
5.E. February Check Payments
5.F. Monthly Investments and Cash Position
5.G. February Financial Statement
5.H. Tax Collections
6. Administrative Reports
6.A. Superintendent Report
6.A.1. Election Update
6.B. Campus Principal Reports
6.B.1. Junior High/High School Reports
6.B.2. Elementary Report
6.C. Maintenance Director Report - Michael Chambers
6.D. Athletic Director Report - Coach Tindol
7. Communication
7.A. DSA Construction Management - Agent Presentation
8. Executive Session in Accordance with Texas Government Code Section 551.074
8.A. Discuss Professional Personnel
9. Action Items
9.A. Consider/Approve Employment of Professional Staff for 2014-2015 school year
9.B. Consider/Approve Hiring Secondary Teaching Positions for Science and for Business.
9.C. Consideration and Possible Final Action on the Proposed Non-Renewal of Term Contract Employee Arising from the Reduction in Force. This item may be held in closed session in accordance with Tex. Gov't Code § 551.074; any action will be taken in open session.
9.D. Consider/Approve Hiring Principal for Stafford Elementary
9.E. Consider/Approve Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification, 2014-2015
9.F. Consider/Approve Purchase of New School Bus(es)
9.G. Consider/Approve Purchase of New Passenger Vehicle(s)
9.H. Consider/Approve Revised Italy I.S.D. Facility Use Agreement
9.I. Consider/Approve a Proposal by Architects Rabe & Partners to Provide Architectural and Engineering Services for a “Master Planning Program” for Italy I.S.D.
Upon acceptance of this Proposal, the Architect will prepare an AIA Owner/Architect B101 Contract for Italy I.S.D. which will contain the approved Proposal.
9.J. Consider/Approve Authorizing Jaime Velasco, Superintendent of Schools, to finalize the Contract with Architects Rabe & Partners, after a review by the District’s Attorney, Walsh Anderson Gallegos et al.
9.K. Consider/Approve an Honorary Name for the Softball Field at Italy I.S.D.
9.L. Consider/Approve TASB Policy Update 99
9.M. Consider/Approve Revised Borrowing Resolution for District Credit Card Application
9.N. Consider/Approve Budget Amendment(s)
10. Adjourn