November 6, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Items to be added:
III. Approve Agenda (BCBH)
IV. Approve Minutes (BCBH)
V. Public Comments (sign-ins) (BCAF)
VI. New Business
VI.A. Approve the General Ledger and Financial Statements for September 2023
VI.B. Discipline Committee Decisions (JCCA)
VI.C. Consent Agenda Items
The items listed below are consent agenda items, which may be approved in one action of the Board. It is noted that any item may be removed from the consent agenda for separate action or discussion of the Board. An asterisk (*) denotes an item added to the agenda after the original release on Friday. |
VI.C.1. Approve Claim Docket for checks prepared on October 20, 2023, October 27, 2023, and November 3, 2023, reconciled by the Accounting Department. (DJ)
VI.C.2. Authorize the HCSD Technology Department to advertise bids through reverse auction for the purchase of workstations. The remaining ESSER III funds will be used to replace as many stations as possible for the following:
Year 1 Replacements: (original purchase date is in parenthesis) River Oaks (2014), Alternative School (2014), Crossroads (2016), D'Iberville Elementary (2016), D'Iberville Middle (2016), Lizana (2016), Lyman (2016), Pineville (2016), Three Rivers (2016), West Wortham (2016), Child Development Center (2016) Year 2 Replacements: Bel-Aire (2017), Harrison Central Elementary (2017), North Gulfport (2017), North Woolmarket (2017), |
VI.C.3. Authorize payment in the amount of $35,000.00 to the City of D'Iberville for use of recreational facilities at the Rusty Quave Sports Complex during the 2023-2024 school year. Agreement the School Board approved on August 7, 2023. (FDGB)
VI.C.4. Approve the Healthy Wage contract for the Child Nutrition Department for the 2023-2024 challenge. The district has participated in this program for the past four years.
VI.C.5. Authorize West Harrison High School to accept monetary donations from various donors for their "Celebration Day - #1 High School in the State". The donations totaled $2,650.00. A list of all donations is attached, some donors requested to remain anonymous.
VI.C.6. Approve request to extend homebound services for Harrison Central High School student #1422774 due to medical condition. Documentation is on file. (IDDC)
VI.C.7. Approve acceptance of a monetary donation in the amount of $1,000.00 to D'Iberville Middle School from the City of D'Iberville. (DFK)
VI.C.8. Approve request allowing certain North Gulfport 7th grade students permission to travel to New Orleans, Louisiana, on Friday, December 1, 2023, to attend the NBA event at the Smoothie King Stadium. (JMA)
VI.C.9. Bids for Roofing Repairs at West Harrison High School and D'Iberville High School were opened and publicly read at 2:00 p.m. on November 1, 2023, in the Board Room with bidders listed as follows:
Bidder Name Total Bid Amount Advantage Roofing & Construction of LA, Inc. $4,057,252.00 E. Cornell Malone Corp. $4,179,221.00 Standard Roofing, Inc. $4,536,416.00 Rowell Roofing, Inc. $4,860,000.00 Roofing Solutions, LLC $3,298,000.00 Approve the recommendation from Marty Hardy, Architect, and Mitchell King, Superintendent, to award the contract to Advantage Roofing & Construction of LA, Inc., the lowest bidder meeting specifications. Please note, Roofing Solutions, LLC, had a mathematical error and withdrew their bid. All bids and the tabulations are on file in the Superintendent's office. (DJED) |
VI.C.10. Authorize payment in the amount of $4,480.00 to the Mississippi Forestry Commission for professional services and management plans, conducted on 16th Section Lands (16-5-10 and 16-6-9) (EBJ)
VI.C.11. Approve the pay scale for Occupational and Physical Therapists for the 2023-2024 school year.
VI.C.12. Authorize payment in the amount of $395.00 to the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce for the 2024 membership dues. (DJ)
VI.C.13. Authorize Federal Programs to pay advanced placement and dual credit fees for high school students enrolled in classes during the first semester of FY2024, and eligible through Title IV. (IDGA)
VI.C.14. Approve affidavits for removal of property from the fixed asset inventory list for the Central Office for CPU's that are obsolete or broken beyond repair. (DM)
VI.C.15. Approve Resolution of Cancellation of 16th Section Lease with PMAT-Stirling Crossroads, LLC, effective December 31, 2023. The new lease will take effect on January 1, 2024, which has been approved by all parties. The cancellation of lease is necessary for Land Deed Records - Chancery Clerk's office. (EBJ)
VI.C.16. Authorize payment in the amount of $472,047.17 to J.W. Puckett & Co., Inc., for pay application #5 - Creekbend Stadium project. (FDGB)
VI.C.17. Authorize payment to Hardy & Associates for professional services rendered on the following projects:
$11,066.25 - Creekbend Football Field project $21,450.00 - WHHS Roof Repairs $21,450.00 - DHS Roof Repairs $68,250.00 - WHHS Classrooms Addition project $32,837.69 - WHMS - Baseball/Softball Concession project $2,203.86 - DHS Stadium Turf Replacement project $2,180.72 - HCHS Stadium Turf Replacement project |
VI.C.18. Authorize payment in the amount of $516,839.90 to Dan Hensarling, Inc.,. for pay application #11 - West Harrison High Field House project. (FDGB)
VI.C.19. Authorize payment in the amount of $76,038.00 to Phoenix Construction, LLC, for pay application #8 - HCSD Warehouse Improvements project. (FDGB)
VI.C.20. Authorize payment in the amount of $22,184.87 to Wynn Clark, Attorney at Law, School Board Attorney, for professional services rendered in specific cases and litigation. Documentation provided in attached files (FDGB)
VI.D. Approval of the following:
VI.D.1. Personnel (GBD:GBQ)
VI.D.2. Lowest Quote, Contract Services, Professional Development and/or Travel (DJED)
VI.D.3. Single Source (DJED)
VI.E. Appeal Case #176-33-2-2 (NGEMS)
VI.F. Appeal Case #199-02-2-2 (BAE)
VI.G. Appeal Case #172-06-2-1 (CBEMS)
VI.H. Appeal Case #011-08-7-2 (ALT - DHS)
VI.I. Appeal procedures ( DHS parent JF)
VI.J. Hugh Keating, Attorney at Law
VII. Adjourn