November 20, 2024 at 1:00 PM - Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda |
MEETING CALL TO ORDER - The Board of Directors Meeting of the Port Authority of San Antonio will be held by video conference to consider and act upon any lawful subject which may come before said meeting, including, among other, the items listed on the agenda.
This Board meeting may be held using a video conference system called Zoom per Section 379B which allows for the Port to hold "VIRTUAL" meetings.
CITIZENS TO BE HEARD - Margaret Wilson-Anaglia
1. Approve minutes of the Board of Directors meeting on October 23, 2024
1. L/SMWVBE Objectives/Contract summary update - Ashley Ramirez
2. State Legislative update - Juan Antonio Flores
3. FY2024 Year-end financials - Pat Cruzen
4. Quarterly Investment Report - Pat Cruzen
1. Report from Nominating Committee regarding proposed slate of officers and taking nominations from the floor, if any - Brad Carson
2. Resolution #11202024-2428 of the Port Authority of San Antonio approving the appointment of the Chairman of the Board, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer to serve as Board Officers for January 2025 to December 2026 - Brad Carson
1. Airport Metrics
2. Railport Metrics
1. Contracts over $100,000 - none to report
2. October Executive Management Summary
EXECUTIVE SESSION The regular session of the Board of Directors meeting is hereby recessed to hold an Executive Session for the purpose(s):
1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (consultation with attorney), and 551.074 (personnel matters), (1) discussion of President & CEO employment contract
1. Resolution #11202024-2429 of the Port Authority of San Antonio authorizing amendment to President & CEO employment contract - Margaret Wilson-Anaglia