August 18, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Board of Trustees Meeting #402
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of the Agenda - Action Item
IV. Retiree Acknowledgement
V. Celebrations and Delegations
VI. Board Focus - Discussion Items
VI.A. Board Member Reports
VII. Principal Reports
VIII. Comments from the Audience on Agenda Items: (Limit of 2 minutes)
IX. Consent Agenda - Action Items
IX.A. Approve Minutes of Meetings
IX.B. Pay the Bills
IX.C. New Hires
Kristal Barnes- PRE SPED Teacher Rachelle Hagler- SPED Paraprofessional Sarai McCormick- PRLHS English Irene Topp- School Counselor/Homeless Liaison Asst. Darlene Ramey- IHE Second Grade Jerry England- PRLHS CTE Business Maurissa Archer- PRLHS SPED Teacher |
IX.D. Resignations
Jacqueline Bash- PRE Kindergarten |
X. Old Business - Action Items
X.A. Consideration and Approval of Second Reading of Policies 1315 Strategic Planning, 1500Board Meetings, 1650 New Board Member Workshops, 2125 K-3 Reading Intervention, 2400 Special Education, 2715 Specialty Diplomas, 3030 Part-Time Attendance/Dual Enrollment, 3031 Extracurricular Activities - Eligibility for Students Not Enrolled for Academic Activities, 3270F Internet Access Conduct and Mobile Service Agreement, 3330 Student Discipline, 3340P Corrective Actions and Punishment Procedure, 3500 Student Health/Physical Screenings/Examinations, 3525 Immunization Requirements, 4420 Visitors to District Property, Including Sex Offenders, 5105 Certificated Personnel Reemployment, 7403 Procurement of Goods and Services for School Meal Programs, and 7408 Professional Contracts.
XI. New Business - Action Items
XI.A. Consideration and Approval of First Reading of Policy 5340 Evaluation of Certificated Personnel
XI.B. Consideration and Approval of Bus Routes, Student Transportation Handbook and Safety Busing Areas
XI.C. Consideration and Approval of Coop Dairy Bid
XII. Superintendent Report
XIII. Treasurer Report
XIV. Comments from the Audience on items off the Agenda: (Limit of 2 minutes)
XV. Board Reflection
XV.A. ISBA Annual Convention Information and Registration
XVI. Executive Session: As provided for in Idaho Code 74-206 (a) Employee
XVII. Motion to Adjourn