February 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Board of Trustees Meeting #396
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of the Agenda - Action Item
IV. Celebrations and Delegations
V. Board Focus - Discussion Items
V.A. Board Member Reports
VI. Principal Reports
VII. Levy Presentation
VII.A. Presentation
VII.B. Questions and Answers (limited time to allow for questions from the audience on our Levy request, you may also submit them to the Board Clerk beforehand)
VIII. Comments from the Audience: (Limit of 2 minutes)
IX. Consent Agenda - Action Items
IX.A. Approve Minutes of Meetings
IX.B. Pay the Bills
IX.C. New Hires
IX.C.1. Athletics
IX.C.2. Brad Martin - PRJH Track Coach
IX.C.3. Ron Kruse - PRLHS Softball Head Coach
IX.C.4. Daryl Hall - PRLHS Softball Assistant Coach
X. Old Business - Action Items
X.A. Administration of the Trustee Oath of Office
XI. New Business - Action Items
XI.A. Consideration and Approval of the Behavior Specialist Job Description and salary placement
XI.B. Consideration and Approval of Surplus Sale of PRJH Uniforms
XI.C. Consideration and Approval of Resolution #46 and #47 - Emergency School Closures
XI.D. Consideration and Approval of the 2021-22 Calendar
XII. Superintendent Report
XIII. Treasurer Report
XIV. Executive Session: As provided for in Idaho Code, Title 74, Section 206, Subsections (b) employee.
XV. Potential Action Item(s) in regards to Executive Session as noted above.
XVI. Board Reflection
XVII. Motion to Adjourn