June 19, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Board of Trustees Meeting #376
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of the Agenda - Action Item
IV. Celebrations and Delegations
V. Board Focus
V.A. Board Member Reports
V.B. ISBA Resolution Discussion
VI. Principal Reports
VI.A. Principal Luckey
VI.B. Principal Kimble
VII. Technology Director
VII.A. Discussion - Current technology protection measures and internet safety policy
VIII. Comments from the Audience: (Limit of 2 minutes)
IX. Consent Agenda - Action Items
IX.A. Approve Minutes of Meetings
IX.B. Pay the Bills
IX.C. New Hires
IX.C.1. Classified
IX.C.1.a. Sasha Moreau - PRLHS Secretary
IX.C.2. Certified
IX.C.2.a. Jacqueline Robirts - PRE Kindergarten Teacher
IX.C.2.b. Brittany Adamson - PRE 6th Grade Teacher
IX.C.2.c. Thomas Hansen - PRLHS History Teacher
IX.C.3. Administration
IX.C.3.a. Amber Williams - PRJH Principal
IX.C.4. Athletics
IX.C.4.a. Thomas Hansen - PRLHS Asst. Football Coach
IX.C.4.b. Jared Hughes - PRLHS Head Football Coach
IX.C.4.c. Kasey Martin - PRLHS Asst. Football Coach
IX.C.4.d. Quentin Holbrook - PRLHS Head Wrestling Coach
IX.D. Resignations
IX.D.1. Classified
IX.D.1.a. Brittany Pierson - PRE Speech Tech
IX.D.1.b. Erricka Brownell - PRJH Secretary
IX.D.2. Certified
IX.D.2.a. Bruce Brownell - District Wide Choir Teacher
IX.D.2.b. Brandon Keinert - PRJH History Teacher
IX.D.3. Administration
IX.D.3.a. Kristi Thurston - Special Education Director
IX.D.4. Athletics
IX.D.4.a. Mark Schultz - PRLHS Asst. Basketball Coach
IX.D.4.b. Morgan Douglas - PRLHS Head Girls Basketball
IX.D.4.c. Marty Landry - PRJH Athletic Director
X. Old Business - Action Items
X.A. Consideration and Approval of Second Reading of Policy 8110 Safety Busing and 8110F Measuring Instrument for Walking Students
XI. Conduct Budget Hearing on Proposed 2019-20 Budget
Public comments should be taken at this time allowing for further input concerning the proposed 2019-20 budget. Following public comment on proposed 2019-20 budget the hearing should be closed.
XII. New Business - Action Items
XII.A. Consideration and Approval of the Proposed 2019-20 Budget
XII.B. Consideration and Approval of Bus Purchase
XII.C. Consideration and Approval of Fuel Bids
XII.D. Consideration and Approval of First Reading of Policies 2160, 3050, 3563, 4530, 5105, 5220, 5390 and 9100
XII.E. Consideration and Approval of Grant Writer Job Description
XII.F. Consideration and Approval of Copier Lease - ISDC Fee
XII.G. Consideration and Approval of PRLHS 2019-20 Athletic Handbook
XIII. Superintendent Report
XIII.A. District Happenings
XIV. Treasurer Report
XV. Executive Session: As provided for in Idaho Code, Title 74, Section 206, Subsections (b) Employee and Subsections (d) Records Exempt from Disclosure.
XVI. Board Reflection
XVI.A. Schedule Board Workshop
XVII. Motion to Adjourn