January 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Board of Trustees Meeting # 323
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Executive Session: As provided for in Idaho Code, Title 67, Section 2345, Subsections (b) personnel and student
II.A. Note: Executive sessions are closed to the public. Open meeting will begin upon the conclusion of the executive session.
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of the Agenda
V. Celebrations and Delegations
VI. Board Focus
VI.A. Board Member Reports
VII. Principal Reports
VIII. Comments from the Audience (Limit of 2 Minutes)
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Approve Minutes of Meetings
IX.B. Personnel
IX.B.1. New Hires:
IX.B.1.a. Administrative
IX.B.1.b. Certified
IX.B.1.c. Classified
IX.B.1.c.1. Delia Thompson - Parapro
IX.B.1.d. Activities
IX.B.1.d.1. Jessica Mortensen - Assistant Track Coach
IX.B.1.e. Substitutes
IX.B.1.e.1. Stanley Solomon
IX.B.1.e.2. Tammera Schrader
IX.B.1.e.3. Michael Dawod
IX.B.1.e.4. Savanna Jones
IX.B.1.e.5. Jodi Adkins
IX.B.1.e.6. Gary Bell - Volunteer
IX.B.2. Resignations
IX.C. Pay the Bills
X. Unfinished Business
XI. New Business
XI.A. Discussion: Fall District Scores
XI.B. Discussion: Superintendent Evaluation
XI.C. Consideration and Approval of Emergency Closure - Resolution #20
XI.D. Consideration and Approval of First Readings of Policies: 5340, 6400, 8100, 8110, 8115, 8120, 8170P and 8185
XII. Treasurer Report
XIII. Motion to Adjourn