February 18, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Board of Trustees Meeting # 324
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Celebrations and Delegations
V. Board Focus
V.A. Board Member Reports
V.A.1. Day on the Hill Report
VI. Principal Reports
VI.A. 21st Century Grant: Betty Gardner
21st CCLC is a community learning center where students, their parents and mentors/partners from the community can come together for an additional 12 hours a week outside of the regular school
day to explore academic, social, cultural and service learning activities.
VII. Comments from the Audience (Limit of 2 Minutes)
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Approve Minutes of Meetings
VIII.B. Personnel
VIII.B.1. New Hires:
VIII.B.1.a. Administrative
VIII.B.1.b. Certified
VIII.B.1.c. Classified
VIII.B.1.c.1. Alisia Batch - Kitchen Server JH
VIII.B.1.c.2. Melissa White - Lunch Duty Aide - PRE
VIII.B.1.d. Activities
VIII.B.1.e. Substitutes
VIII.B.2. Resignations
VIII.B.2.a. Alisia Batch - Lunch Duty Aide - PRE
VIII.B.2.b. Wendy Cook - Bus Driver (End of school year)
VIII.B.2.c. Hardison, Tristin - Lunch Duty Aide PRE
VIII.C. Pay the Bills
IX. Unfinished Business
IX.A. Consideration and Approval of Second Readings of Policies: 5340, 6400, 8100, 8110, 8115, 8120, 8170P and 8185
X. New Business
X.A. Consideration and Approval for Extended Trip: Leadership to Boise
X.B. Consideration and Approval: Location of Prom
XII. Executive Session: As provided for by Idaho Code 67-2345, Subsection B - Personnel.
XIII. Motion to Adjourn