October 11, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. 6:00 p.m. Call to Order/Notice of Meeting/Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Consideration to Suspend Regular Session and Convene Closed Session for the Purpose of WI § 19.85 (1)(c) in considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
3.a. Roll Call
3.b. Approval of Closed Minutes September 13, 2016
3.c. Personnel § 19.85 (1)(c)
3.d. Adjourn Closed Session
3.e. Convene Regular Session
4. 6:30 p.m. Possible Action on Recommendation(s) From Closed Session
5. Citizens’ Requests to Speak/Address the Board
6. Student Representative Introduction
7. Board of Education Member Update
8. Information
8.a. CESA Report
8.b. Standing Committee Reports
8.b.1) Curriculum Meeting, September 22, 2016
8.b.2) PSDC Committee, October 6, 2016
8.b.3) Technology Meeting, October 13, 2016
8.c. District Administrator's Report
8.c.1) Annual Meeting, October 24, 2016
8.c.2) District Enrollment Update
8.c.3) Construction Update
9. Consent Agenda
9.a. Approval of Minutes, September 13, 2016
9.b. Approval of Elementary/Middle School/High School Activity Accounts
9.c. Approval of Vouchers
9.d. Financial Report
9.e. Personnel
9.e.1) Consideration and Approval of the Hire of Dale Boruch, MS Boys Basketball Coach |
9.e.2) Consideration and Approval of the Hire of Jason Strilzuk, JV Boys Basketball Coach |
9.e.3) Consideration and Approval of the Hire of Jason Strilzuk, Assistant Girls Track Coach |
9.e.4) Consideration and Approval of the Hire of Ryan Stridde, Assistant Boys Track Coach |
9.e.5) Consideration and Approval of the Hire of Shawn Perkins, Head Boys Track Coach |
9.e.6) Consideration and Approval of the Hire of Christa Suedbeck, Community Education Coordinator
9.e.7) Consideration and Approval of the Hire of Heather Hill, Middle School Yearbook Advisor
10. Action Agenda
10.a. Consideration and Approval of the Resignation of Board of Education Member, David N. Moore
10.b. Election of Board Treasurer
10.c. CESA 11 Board of Control Delegate
10.d. Consideration and Approval of the Playground Grant
10.e. Consideration and Approval of the 2016-2017 Youth Options Students
10.f. Consideration and Approval of the 8th Semester Attendance Waiver
11. Adjourn