June 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Notice of Meeting/Roll Call
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Consideration to Suspend Regular Session and Convene Closed Session for the Purpose of WI § 19.85 (1)(c) in considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
3.a. Roll Call
3.b. Approval of the Closed Minutes May 13, 2014
3.c. Personnel §19.85 (1)(c)
3.d. Student §19.85 (1)(f)
3.e. Adjourn Closed Session
3.f. Convene Regular Session
4. Possible Action on Recommendation(s) From Closed Session
5. Citizens’ Requests to Speak/Address the Board
6. Student Representative Introduction
7. Information
7.a. CESA Report
7.b. Long Range Planning and Building, June 12, 2014
7.c. Standing Committee Reports
7.c.1) PSDC Meeting, May 15, 2014
7.c.2) Community Education, June 6, 2014
7.c.3) Curriculum Committe, May 29, 2014
7.c.4) Long Rand Planning and Building, June 9, 2014
7.d. Curriculum Review
7.e. District Administrator's Report
7.e.1) Grant Program
7.e.2) Maintenance Projects
7.e.3) Summer School Update
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Approval of Minutes, May 13, 2014
8.b. Approval of Vouchers
8.c. Approval of Elementary/Middle School/High School Activity Accounts
8.d. Financial Report
8.e. Personnel
8.e.1) Resignation of Jillian Chell, Dance Coach
8.e.2) Resignation of Patricia Lindahl, Evening Custodian
8.e.3) Hiring of Nickilas Peterson, Second Shift Custodian
8.e.4) Hiring of Joseph Casey, Second Shift Custodian
8.e.5) Hiring of Janice Organ, Bus Driver
8.e.6) Hiring of Charles Turner, Bus Driver
8.e.7) Hiring of Pat Lindahl, Bus Driver
8.e.8) Hiring of Kendra Carlson, Elementary Teacher
8.e.9) Resignation of Gary Giller, Groundskeeper
8.e.10) Hiring of the School Nurse
9. Action Agenda
9.a. Consideration and Approval of the 2014-2015 Pre-K Calendar
9.b. Consideration and Approval to Authorize Year-End Inter-Fund Transfers
9.c. Consideration and Approval of Policies DIBA-Fund Balance, DG-Depository of Funds, and DG-Resolution Authorizing Depositories
9.d. Consideration and Approval to Renew the 2014-2015 Early Childhood Shared Service 66.030 Contract- Frederic/Luck/Unity
9.e. Consideration and Approval to Authorize Write-Off of Lunch Accounts
9.f. Consideration and Approval of the Community Learning Center Grant
10. Consideration and Approval to Authorize Payment of the 2013-2014 Year-End Vouchers
11. Adjourn