May 8, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting of the LJSD Board of Trustees
Agenda |
A. Call Meeting to Order at 6:00 p.m.
B. Welcome Visitors/Pledge of Allegiance
C. Approval of Agenda (Action)
D. Announcements
D.1. Student Accolades
E. Public Input
Each speaker will be asked to limit their remarks to no more than three minutes. Please see the Request to Address the Board form, 4105F and Policy #1520 for proper procedure in addressing the Board during Public Comment.
F. Reports
F.1. Financial Report
Chelsea Pursley, Treasurer
G. Consent Agenda - Action Item
All items are considered action items. The Board may approve all of the following items by a single motion and vote - unless any member of the Board asks that an item be removed from the Action Items for discussion and action later in the agenda. |
G.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
G.2. ↵Minutes of Subcommittee Meetings to be Accepted
G.3. HR Items
G.4. Regular and Special Bills
H. Old Business
Recall of follow-up items
H.1. Superintendent's Follow Up
I. New Business - Action Items
The Board may take action to approve, deny, amend, modify or postpone action on any of the items listed below |
I.1. Supplemental Curriculum
I.2. ELA Curriculum Recommendation -
I.3. Request for Research Project
I.4. Board Policy
I.5. Issuance of Certified Contracts - To be issued on June 6, 2023 with a return date of June 16th, 2023.
I.6. STEAM Summer Camp
I.7. Renew Final Site
I.8. LEA Request for IBB Negotiations
I.9. Recommendation for a Rate Increase for BASE ($250 - $325)
I.10. Request for Survey - Idaho Smiles
I.11. THS & LHS Summer Football Camp
J. Discussion Items
J.1. State Safety Inspection Reports
J.2. Spring Drug Testing Results
J.3. Drug Testing Options
J.4. Legal Advice Regarding Policy 3281 - Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
J.5. Policy 4200 - School-Support Organizations
J.6. Portables
J.8. Protocol for Vape Detectors
J.9. Letter to Attorney General
J.10. Mold Testing ~ SLE
J.11. Update on levies
J.12. Heritage Health
K. Board Member Input for Future Agenda Items
L. Enter into Executive Session - Action
L.1. Approve/Deny to enter into Executive Session per IC 74-206 (1) (a), (b), (d), and (f).
No decisions/Actions will be made during Executive Session, this is only a motion to enter into Executive Session. |
M. Executive Session per IC 74-206 (1) (a), (b), (d) and (f)
(1) An executive session at which members of the public are excluded may be held, but only for the purposes and only in the manner set forth in this section. The motion to go into executive session shall identify the specific subsections of this section that authorize the executive session. There shall be a roll call vote on the motion and the vote shall be recorded in the minutes. An executive session shall be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the governing body. (a) To consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. This paragraph does not apply to filling a vacancy in an elective office or deliberations about staffing needs in general; (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student; (d) To consider records that are exempt from disclosure as provided in chapter 1, title 74, Idaho Code; (f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement. No decisions/actions will be made during Executive Session, this is only a motion to enter into Executive Session. |
M.1. Employee 5.08.2023 A
M.2. Employee 5.08.2023 B
M.3. Employee 5.08.2023 C
M.4. Employee 5.08.2023 D
M.5. Employee 5.08.2023 E
M.7. Clerk of the Board
M.8. Legal Issue
N. Post Executive Session - Possible Action Items