April 8, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call Meeting to Order at 5:00 p.m.
B. Welcome Visitors/Pledge of Allegiance
C. District Mission Statement (Information Only)
D. Patron Input for Agenda Items(Patron Input will be accepted up to 12:00pm on April 8, 2021 by emailing Clerk, Chelsea Pursley at cpursley@lakeland272.org.
(Each speaker will be asked to limit their remarks to no more than three minutes. Please see the Public Comment sign-in sheet and Policy #1520 for proper procedure in addressing the Board during Public Comment).
E. Action Items - All items are considered action items. The Board may approve all of the following items by a single motion and vote - unless any member of the Board asks that an item be removed from the Action Items for discussion and action later in the agenda.
E.1. Consent Agenda (Action)
E.1.a. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) - March 11, 2021 Regular Meeting
E.1.b. HR Items
E.1.c. Regular and Special Bills
F. Report and Presentation Agenda - (Information Only)
F.1. Visitor Presentations
F.1.a. Kootenai Classical Academy
F.2. Staff Reports
F.2.a. John Brown Elementary Presentation - Ana Schnepf, Principal
F.2.b. Student Led Conference - Dr. Becky Meyer and Dr. Lynn Paslay
F.2.c. Financial Presentation, Brian Wallace - CFO
F.3. Superintendent's Report
G. Action Items - the board may take action to approve, deny, amend, modify or postpone action on any of the items listed below
G.1. 2021 Valedictorians and Salutatorians for Timberlake High School and Lakeland High School
G.2. Hazard Mitigation Plan
Without approval we cannot apply for FEMA grant moneys generated from the last windstorm.
G.3. 3085P Title IX Sexual Harassment Procedure, Requirement, and Definitions
Trustees had no additional input at the previous meeting when the procedure was brought as a First Read
H. Discussion Items - (Information Only)
H.1. Petition to Change District Boundaries
H.2. First Read - 5275 Adult Sexual Misconduct
This is a new policy with ties to Title IX
H.3. First Read - 7400P Requirements and Restrictions for Procurement Under a Federal Award - Competition
This is a new procedure addressing the gaps in our procurement policy that did not reflect the most recent Code of Federal Regulations
H.4. First Read - 7400 Miscellaneous Procurement Standards
This is an overhaul to our current 7400 Policy, modeled after ISBA's 7400 Policy.
H.5. ISBA Membership
H.6. Boardbook Software and Costs
H.7. Website Software and Webmaster Designee for District and School Sites
From Chad Parson
"The biggest reason (beyond that we liked the features of it) that we went with Finalsite was the AudioEye component built-in which no one else had. We were hearing many stories of Districts around the nation being sued for lack of ADA compliant websites for those who are Color Blind, Deaf, etc This page gives a bit more on how it works: https://www.audioeye.com/how-it-works" Board Policy Webpage - Dr. Meyer said we can work Clerk into policy page organization. We can discuss more on how you would like this to work. |
H.8. Possible Board Meeting Shift to April 20th
I. Board Member Input for Future Agenda Items - (Information Only)
J. Announcements - (Information Only)