April 14, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call Meeting to Order at 6:00 p.m.
B. Welcome Visitors/Pledge of Allegiance
C. District Mission Statement
D. Patron Input - (Patron Input will be accepted via email at krissy.williams@lakeland272.org until Tuesday, April 14 at 12:00pm)
(Each speaker will be asked to limit their remarks to no more than three minutes. Please see the Public Comment sign-in sheet and Policy #1520 for proper procedure in addressing the Board during Public Comment). |
E. Action Items - All items are considered action items. The Board may approve all of the following items by a single motion and vote - unless any member of the Board asks that an item be removed from the Action Items for discussion and action later in the agenda.
E.1. Consent Agenda
E.1.a. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) -Regular Meeting of March 24, 2020
E.1.b. HR Items
E.1.c. Regular and Special Bills
F. Report and Presentation Agenda - (Information Only)
F.1. Visitor Presentations
F.2. Staff Reports
F.2.a. Technology Presentation - Michelle Stanford, Technology Integration Coach
F.2.b. April Financial Presentation - Brian Wallace, CFO
G. Action Items - the board may take action to approve, deny, amend, modify or postpone action on any of the items listed below
G.1. Approve/Deny 2020-2021 School Year Calendar and 2021-2022 School Year Calendar
G.2. Approve/Deny to ratify the Superintendent's recommendation of the soft closure of Lakeland Jt. School District beginning April 6, 2020 and ending April 17, 2020
G.3. Approve/Deny to ratify the Superintendent's recommendation of the soft closure of Lakeland Jt. School District beginning April 20, 2020 and ending May 29, 2020 when if at such time as local and state distancing orders have been lifted and reentry criteria has been met, allow for re-opening of district on May 30th for end of year events and last week of school.
G.4. Approve/Deny to suspend the conflicting portions of any policies conflicting with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (as described in Policy 1300) and direct the Superintendent to suspend any conflicting procedures until December 31, 2020 when the Families First Coronavirus Response Act expires as recommended by the Idaho School Boards Association.
H. Discussion Items - (Information Only)
H.1. Remote distance learning
I. Other Items for Discussion
J. Action Items - the board may take action to approve, deny, amend, modify or postpone action on any of the items listed below
J.1. Approve/Deny to enter into Executive Session per IC 74-206 (1) (b) No decisions/Actions will be made during Executive Session, this is only a motion to enter into Executive Session.
K. Executive Session per IC 74-206 (1) (b)
K.1. Personnel
K.1.a. Superintendent Goals
L. Action Items after Executive Session
L.1. Approve/Deny Administration's recommendation for Principal of Garwood Elementary for 2020-2021 School Year.