March 12, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call Meeting to Order at 6:00pm
B. Welcome Visitors/Pledge of Allegiance
C. Action Items - All items are considered action items. The Board may approve all of the following items by a single motion and vote - unless any member of the Board asks that an item be removed from the Action Items for discussion and action later in the agenda.
C.1. Approve Agenda
C.2. Consent Agenda
C.2.a. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) -Regular Meeting of February 12, 2019
C.2.b. HR Items
D. Patron Input
(Each speaker will be asked to limit their remarks to no more than three minutes. Please see the Public Comment sign-in sheet and Policy #1520 for proper procedure in addressing the Board during Public Comment). |
E. Report and Presentation Agenda - (Information Only)
E.1. Visitor Presentations
E.2. Staff Reports
E.2.a. Betty Kiefer Elementary Presentation - Lynn Paslay, Principal
E.2.b. Student Led Conference Presentation - Dr. Meyer, Superintendent and Dr. Paslay, Principal Betty Kiefer Elementary
E.2.c. IRI Presentation - Kathy Thomas, Athol Elementary Principal
E.2.d. March Financial Report - Brian Wallace, CFO
F. Action Items - the board may take action to approve, deny, amend, modify or postpone action on any of the items listed below
F.1. Approve/Deny Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Hearing Date of 06.11.2019 at LJSD District Office at 6:00pm
F.2. Approve/Deny Emergency Snow Closure 02.12.2019
F.3. Approve/Deny RFP for Nutrition Service Provider
F.4. Approve/Deny Spring Athletic Schedules for High Schools and Junior Highs
G. Information/Discussion Items - (Information Only)
G.2. Bond Defeasance Discussion
H. Action Items - No decisions/Actions will be made during Executive Session, this is only a motion to enter into Executive Session.
I. Executive Session per IC 74-206 (1) (b)
I.1. Personnel
I.1.a. Superintendent Mid-Year Check-In
J. Action Items after Executive Session