October 23, 2018 at 5:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call Meeting to Order 5:00 p.m.
B. Action Items - the board may take action to approve, deny, amend, modify or postpone action on any of the items listed below
B.1. Approve/Deny to enter into Executive Session per IC 74-206 (1) (b) No decisions/Actions will be made during Executive Session, this is only a motion to enter into Executive Session.
C. Executive Session per IC 74-206 (1) (b)
C.1. Student Re-Entry Contracts
C.1.a. Re-Entry Contract - Student 10.23.2018 - A
C.1.b. Re-Entry Contract - Student 10.23.2018 - B
C.1.c. Re-Entry Contracts Student 10.23.2018 - C, 10.23.2018 - D, 10.23.2018 - E, 10.23.2018 - F
C.2. Personnel
D. Welcome Visitors/Pledge of Allegiance
E. Action Items after Executive Session
E.1. Approve/Deny Re-Entry Contract for Student 10.23.2018 - A
E.2. Approve/Deny Re-Entry Contract for Student 10.23.2018 - B
E.3. Approve/Deny Re-Entry Contract for Student 10.23.2018 - C
E.4. Approve/Deny Re-Entry Contract for Student 10.23.2018 - D
E.5. Approve/Deny Re-Entry Contract for Student 10.23.2018 - E
E.6. Approve/Deny Re-Entry Contract for Student 10.23.2018 - F
F. Action Items - the board may take action to approve, deny, amend, modify or postpone action on any of the items listed below
F.1. Approve Agenda
F.2. Consent Agenda
F.2.a. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) -Regular Meeting of October 9, 2018
F.2.b. HR Items
G. Patron Input
(Each speaker will be asked to limit their remarks to no more than three minutes. Please see the Public Comment sign-in sheet and Policy #1520 for proper procedure in addressing the Board during Public Comment). |
H. Report and Presentation Agenda
H.1. Visitor Presentations
H.2. LEA
H.2.a. LEA Update, Jason Bradbury, President
H.3. Staff Reports
H.3.a. Update on implementation of new drug testing program at Lakeland High School, Trent Derrick, Principal and Mike Divilbiss, Athletic Director
H.3.b. TLC Program Presentation - Patty Morrison, Federal Programs and TLC Director
H.3.c. Financial Presentation - Brian Wallace, CFO
I. Action Items - the board may take action to approve, deny, amend, modify or postpone action on any of the items listed below
I.1. Approve/Deny sale of Hauser property to highest bidder
J. Information/Discussion Items
J.1. ISBA Conference
J.2. LRFPC Update