April 10, 2017 at 4:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order 4:30 p.m.
B. Executive Session 74-206 (1)(a) & (b)
B.1. Student 2017-F-4:30 p.m.
B.2. Student 2017-G-4:50 p.m.
B.3. Student Re-entry recommendations
B.4. Personnel 04.10.2017-2
B.5. Personnel 04.10.2017-4
C. Action Items following Executive Session
C.1. Student 2017-F
C.2. Student 2017-G
C.3. Approve/deny the Student Re-entries per Administration's recommendation
C.4. Personnel 04.10.2017-2
C.5. Personnel 04.10.2017-4
D. Welcome Visitors/Pledge of Allegiance 6:00 p.m.
E. Approve Agenda
E.1. Amendments to the Agenda-Approve/deny to add the following items to the agenda
E.1.a. Action Item #8- Approve/deny the Athletic Trainer Job Description as presented
E.1.b. Action Item #9- Approve/deny the Instructional Coach Job Description as presented
E.1.c. Add Action Item #10- Approve/deny the Classified Salary Matrix as presented
E.1.d. Add Action Item #11- Approve/deny the Administrator Salary Matrix as presented
F. Consent Agenda
F.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) - Regular Meeting Minutes of 03/13/2017
F.2. Regular and Special Bills
G. Report and Presentation Agenda
G.1. Public Comment
(Each speaker will be asked to limit their remarks to no more than three minutes. Please see the Public Comment sign-in sheet and Policy #1520 for proper procedure in addressing the Board during Public Comment). |
G.2. LEA
G.3. Visitor Presentations
G.4. Staff Reports
G.4.a. Dr. Becky Meyer, Superintendent
G.4.a.1) Financials
G.4.a.2) Athol Elementary Bell
G.4.a.3) Hayden Canyon
G.4.a.4) Opt-Out Requests
G.4.b. Lisa Sexton
G.4.b.1) 2017-18 School Calendar
H. Action Agenda
H.1. Approve/deny 2017-18 School Calendar as presented
H.2. Approve/deny the hiring of new personnel as presented
H.3. Approve/deny retirements and resignations as presented
H.4. Approve/deny to return the fire bell from Athol Elementary to Timberlake Fire Protection District
H.5. Approve/deny the Elementary Administrative Educational Assistant job description as presented
H.6. Post Issuance Tax Compliance Procedures for Tax Exempt Bonds
H.7. Approve/deny to allow the Clerk of the Board to declare Larry Brown Trustee of Zone 5 and Brian Wallace Trustee of Zone 4 duly elected for a term of four (4) years beginning at twelve o’clock noon on July 1 due to the fact only one nomination was made for each position therefore no election is required per Idaho Code 33-502B
H.8. Approve/deny the Athletic Trainer Job Description as presented
H.9. Approve/deny the Instructional Coach Job Description as presented
H.10. Approve/deny the Classified Salary Matrix as presented
H.11. Approve/deny the Administrator Salary Matrix as presented
I. Discussion Agenda
I.1. Interest Based Bargaining Training
I.2. Certified Election Results
I.3. Correspondence
I.3.a. Discipline Reports
I.3.b. Other
J. Executive Session 74-206 (1)(a) & (b)
J.1. Personnel 04.10.2017-3
J.2. Personnel 04.10.2017-5
J.3. Personnel 04.10.2017-1
K. Action Items Following Executive Session
K.1. Personnel 04.10.2017-3
K.2. Personnel 04.10.2017-5
K.3. Personnel 04.10.2017-1