February 8, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order 5:30 p.m.
B. Executive Session per Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (b)
B.1. Personnel
B.2. Student Issue
C. Welcome Visitors/Pledge of Allegiance 6:00 p.m.
D. Approve Agenda
D.1. Amendment to the agenda: Action Item #7- Approve/deny to add Action Item #7 entitled, "Approve/deny revised RFP for Fiber Area Network and bid opening date of March 10, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at the Lakeland Joint School District Office
E. Consent Agenda
E.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) - Regular Meeting of 01/11/2016
E.2. Regular and Special Bills
F. Report and Presentation Agenda
F.1. LEA
F.2. Visitor Presentations
F.2.a. Jacqui Duran & Mike Anderson-National Western Livestock Show
F.2.b. Debbie Kimberling and the Lakeland Robotics Team
F.3. Staff Reports
F.3.a. Trent Derrick- Grant Support
F.3.b. Patty Morrison- Twin Lakes Elementary Principal
F.3.c. Dave McDowell
F.3.c.1) Financials
F.3.d. Lisa Sexton-
F.3.d.1) LHS Principal Hiring Timeline
F.3.d.2) Mentor/Protege
F.3.e. Georgeanne Griffith- Curriculum Changes
F.3.f. Superintendent Search Committee- Chuck Kinsey and Ron Schmidt
G. Action Agenda
G.1. Approve/deny the hiring of new personnel as presented
G.2. Approve/deny the resignations and retirements presented
G.3. Approve/deny to rehire Continuing Contract Administrators (those on two year contracts only)
G.4. Approve/deny setting the Budget Hearing for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 for June 13,2016, 6:00 p.m. at 15506 N. Washington Street, Rathdrum, ID
G.5. Approve/deny the Lakeland Robotics Team travel to Boise March 30- April 3
G.6. Approve/deny Superintendent Hiring Process and Timeline as presented
H. Discussion Agenda
H.1. Facility Use
H.2. Day on the Hill- February 15-16, 2016-Update
H.3. Correspondence
H.3.a. Discipline Reports
H.3.b. Other
H.3.b.1) Julie Leonard- Grant Dollars
H.3.b.2) ISBA Input on School Fees