January 21, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Roll call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Election of Governing Board Officers for calendar year 2014
3.A. Election of Governing Board President
3.B. Election of Governing Board Clerk
4. Establishment of Date, Time and Place of Regular Oracle Elementary School District Governing Board Meetings for 2014
5. Presentations/Recognition
Presentation by Mountain Vista Third grade teacher Kristen Moreno - SmartBoard Lesson
6. Communications and Call to the Public
Any person wishing to address the board on any issue within the jurisdiction of the board may speak at this time subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions. At the conclusion of the call, board members may 1) Respond to criticism to those who addressed the board, 2) Ask staff to review a matter or 3) Ask that a matter be put on a future agenda.
7. Approval of Consent Agenda
7.A. Approval of minutes
Special Meeting December 10, 2013
Regular Meeting December 17, 2013 |
7.B. Ratification of Vouchers
7.B.1. Expense Vouchers
V 1424 $142,263.57 V 1425 $18,117.51
V1426 $ 46,933.28 V 1427 $25,657.32 |
7.B.2. Payroll Vouchers
V24 $46,924.98 V25 $67,197.66
V26 $14,560.14 V 27 $ 672.73 V28 $46,924.98 V29 $63,984.68 V30 $46,924.98 V 31 $42,440.46 |
7.C. Financial Reports for the month of December
7.D. Donations
Extra-curricular tax credit donations for the 2013 calendar year. Over 490 donations received for a total for $153,090 (to date for) in support of Extra-curricuar Activities and Character Education in the Oracle School District
7.E. Updated Sole Source listing for FY 2014 - addition of Intermountain Academy
7.F. Student Activity Fundraisers
7.G. Statement of Assurance Teacher Evaluation System Status FY 2014-2015
8. Discussion/possible action on 1st Reading of District Policies sections as listed:
A Foundations and Basic Commitments
B School Board Governance and Operations C General School Administration D Fiscal Management E Support Services F Facilities Development G Personnel H Meet and Confer I Instructional Program J Students K School-Community Relations L Education Agency Relations. |
9. Discussion/possible action on textbook adoption process and presentation of Math textbooks and curriculum for 60 day public review.
10. Discussion/possible action to change the 2013/2014 school calendar to correct the rodeo holiday from Friday February 28, to Friday February 21, 2014.
11. Discussion on District Financial update.
12. Discussion/possible action on FY 2014 Capital Plan submittal to School Facilities Board
13. Discussion/possible action on revised Governing Board Evaluation tool.
14. Personnel Matters
14.A. Employment:
Shannon Soule - Spring Intercession Director
Extended Day - teachers per list Change of Status - Lisa Villanueva |
14.B. Resignation
S. Wilson
15. Superintendent Report
AIMS dates April 14th through April 25th
PARCC field test dates March 25th through April 25th Tax Credit update - The Tax Credit drive was very successful; we had 498 donors this year compared to 415 last year. In dollars, this year we received $153,090 compared to $127,350 last year. 4. SBCO Donations: SaddleBrooke Community Outreach is donating $5,000 for summer school transportation and $10,000 for SY 14/15 Pre-school. |
16. Board Report
17. Future Meeting Dates and Topics
Future topics:
Student Academic Progress - March Retiree insurance options - February Future overnight/out of district trips - February Emergency Response/preparedness plan - TBD Consolidation of school campuses - February Math Textbook Adoption - March Financial audit report/review - TBD Oracle Ridge Learning Center/Pre-school Financial Report -TBD ASBA - calendar of events - TBD Spring extra -curricular & intersession employees - February FY 14/15 School Calendar - February Override Resolution - June |
18. Meeting Evaluation
19. Adjournment