October 16, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call |
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Communications and Call to the Public
Any person wishing to address the board on any issue within the jurisdiction of the board may speak at this time subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions. At the conclusion of the call, board members may 1) Respond to criticism to those who addressed the board, 2) Ask staff to review a matter, or 3) Ask that a matter be put on future agenda.
4. Approval of Consent Agenda
4.A. Approval of Minutes
Regular Governing Board Meeting September 18, 2012
Special Governing Board Meeting October 4, 2012 |
4.B. Ratification of Vouchers
4.B.1. Expense Vouchers
V 1304 $ 21,895.24 V 1305 $116,993.65 V 1306 $75,027.60
4.B.2. Payroll Vouchers
V 9 $82,468.39 V10 $57,094.10 V11 $57,094.10
V12 $65,901.75 V13 $85,209.29 |
4.C. Financial Reports for the month of September
4.D. Acceptance of Donations
School Supplies - Stuff the Bus project which included cash donations; donations collected at the local Dollar General Store;
4.E. Out of District Travel
Dennis Blauser and Nannette Soule to Arizona School Administrators ASA/NCA Fall Principals-Building Level Admin Conference, in Prescott, AZ September 30-October 2, 2012; Todd Kissick Superintendent Conference October 28-30, 2012 Prescott, AZ
4.F. Use of Facilities fee schedule for 2012/2013
5. Discussion/possible action on disposal of surplus items via donation to Arizona Students Recycling Used Technology
6. Discussion/possible action on first reading of policy GDD support staff vacations and holidays
7. Discussion possible/action on process and timeline for board self evaluation
8. Discussion/possible action on report of Maintenance and Operations and K-3 Override expenditures
9. Discussion/possible action on Personnel Matters
9.A. Employments
Academic Coach - Brenna Torres
Paraprofessional II - Jane Olmstead Afterschool tutors at Oracle Ridge Janice Vigil and Katrina Cassarino Substitute childcare paraprofessional - Ayisha Rodriguez |
10. Board Report
11. Superintendent Report
Current Events
12. Future Meeting Dates and Topics
Regular Meeting November 20, 2012
Future Meeting Topics: Auditor General Performance Audit - follow up on Report issued September 2011; Superintendent Alternate Performance Pay Plan; 2012/2013 Classroom Site Fund (301) Plan |
13. Meeting Evaluation
14. Adjournment