March 26, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call |
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Presentation/Recognition
Music program presentation
4. Communications and Call to the Public
Any person wishing to address the board on any issue within the jurisdiction of the board may speak at this time subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions. At the conclusion of the call, board members may 1) Respond to criticism to those who addressed the board, 2) Ask staff to review a matter, or 3) Ask that a matter be put on future agenda.
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
5.A. Approval of Minutes
Special Governing Board Meeting February 16, 2012
Special Governing Board Meeting February 21, 2012 Regular Governing Board Meeting February 21, 2012 |
5.B. Ratification of Vouchers
5.B.1. Expense Vouchers
V 1222 $9,703.30 V 1223 $414,246.43
V1224 $22,254.59 V 1225 $17,054.52 V 1226 $23,496.69 |
5.B.2. Payroll Vouchers
V 22 $132,982.76
V 23 $133.21 V 24 $134,540.29 |
5.C. Financial Reports for the month of February
5.D. Out of District Travel
Teachers - attending Smart Board Training throughout the month of March; Todd Kissick & Carmen Trejo - Arizona School Boards Association Legal Seminar March 2, 2012
6. Presentation by Climatec Building Technologies Group on preliminary assessment for the Oracle Elementary School District. Board may have discussion on this presentation.
7. Discussion/possible action on request to County School Superintendent's office to provide promotional certificates to Mountain Vista School for eighth grade promotion.
8. Presentation/report on transportation department. Presenters in addition to superintendent will include transportation department employees. Board may have discussion on this item.
9. Discussion/possible action on second reading/adoption of Policy A-0000 District Mission and Belief Statement
10. Discussion/possible action on second reading/adoption of Strategic plan and District Goals
11. Discussion/possible action on first reading of policies --- as per Arizona School Boards Association policy advisories no. 435-439: Policy GBEF - Staff use of Digital Communication and Electronic Devices; IJNDB - Use of Technology Resources in Instruction; JFAA - Admission of Resident Students; JFAA-EA - Residency Documentation Form; JFAA-EB - Affidavit of Shared Residence; JFAB - Admission of Transfer Students; KDB-R - Public Right to Know/Freedom of Information and KDB-E Request for Public Records of the School District
12. Discussion/possible action on selection of State contract vendor for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Federal Stimulus Energy Grant Program) funded solar project at Mountain Vista campus
13. Presentation/Discussion of Auditor General, Division of Audits special study, Arizona School District Spending FY 2011 for Oracle Elementary School District
14. Discussion/possible action on Arizona School Boards Association submission of proposed Action Agenda items for FY 2013
15. Discussion/possible action on Personnel Matters
15.A. Resignation
Matt Dadow - Connections Tutor
16. Board Report
Report on ASBA Legal Seminar Workshop attended by Boardmembers on March 2, 2012
17. Superintendent Report
Update on Auditor General Performance Audit Report
Current Events |
18. Future Meeting Dates and Topics
19. Meeting Evaluation
20. Adjournment