May 3, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Jemez Valley Public Schools Board Meeting
Agenda |
ADA notification: If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to be able to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent's Office at 575-834-7391 x 310 preferably one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible so the adequate arrangements for services can be made.
I. Introduction
A. Call to Order - Mr. Peter Madalena, Board President
B. Pledge of Allegiance - Mr. Peter Madalena, Board President C. Roll Call to Ascertain Quorum- Mrs. Cathy Trujillo-Wiseman, Board Secretary D. Approval of Agenda - Mr. Peter Madalena, Board President
E. Approval of Minutes - Mr. Peter Madalena, Board President
II. Other Reports (Information Items, No Action)
A. Superintendent, Dr. Susan Passall
B. Associate Superintendent, Dr. Manuel Medrano C. Elementary Principal, Mrs. Yoli Medrano D. Secondary Principal, Dr. Eudore Camata E. San Diego Riverside Charter Principal, Mr. John Rodarte F. Finance Summary, Mrs. Cathy Trujillo-Wiseman G. Steven Gachupin Sports Complex Celebration Report, Mrs. Cathy Trujillo-Wiseman
III. Public Comment
Public Comments are to be submitted in writing by going to the JVPS school board web page link referenced below.
IV. Unfinished Business
A. Second Reading of Proposed Board Policy Guest Speaker Requirements (Action Item)
V. New Business
A. 2022-23 School Calendar (Action Item)
B. 2022 Senior Graduation Plan (Action Item)
C. School Lunch Survey and NMPED Food Services RFP Procurement Schedule
D. Renewal of Application for 2022-23 Elementary Arts Program (Action Item)
E. Proposed Revised Board Policy 618 Use of Facilities
F. Proposed Revision of COVID Instructional Plan
G. NMPED Student Survey Options (Action Item)
VI. Consent Agenda Business Items
March Purchase Listing (Action Item)
Current Budget (Action Item)
VII. Closing
A. Advanced Planning
5/17/22, 6/21/22, 7/19/22
B. Adjournment of Regular Session
VIII. Executive Session - Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, NMSA 1078, discussions in Closed Session on bargaining strategy preliminary to collective bargaining negotiation matters Section 10-15-1 H(5); meetings subject to the attorney-client privilege pertaining to threatened or pending litigation in which the public body is or may become a participant Section 10-15-1 H(7); on limited personnel matters for hiring, promotion, demotion, dismissal, assignment or resignation of or the investigation or consideration of complaints or charges against any individual public employee Secion 10-15-1 (H)2
A. Motion to Enter into Executive Session
B. Superintendent's Contract C. Personnel Matters D. Negotiation Strategy E. Pending Litigation Matters F. Motion to Exit Executive Session IX. Reconvene to Open Session |