June 15, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order - Mr. Jeremy Maestas, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call - Mr. Brandon Bustos, Board Secretary
Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (5 minutes maximum)
Superintendents Report
Approval or Disapproval of Resolution for Board Meetings SY 23-24 - 2023-001
Approval or Disapproval of 2023-2024 IDEA B Application
2023-2024 Special Education Procedures Handbook Updates
Approval or Disapproval of Tyler Technologies Infinite Visions Review (Software) - $65,348.60
Approval or Disapproval of District Fire Panel Monitoring for Fiscal Year 7/1/2023 To 6/30/2024 - $24,474.20
Approval or Disapproval of Tiffin Holsings, Inc. - $9,021.00
Approval or Disapproval of PO# 22230228 Increase to Purchase Bus Parts - $944.07
Approval or Disapproval of PO# 22232351 Increase for Activity Bus Repairs - $40,667.58
Approval or Disapproval of TCP (Timeclock Plus, LLC) Annual Renewal and Subscription License to include Hardware Support and Maintenance - $25,919.30
Approval or Disapproval of Zonar Systems - $7,137.96
Approval or Disapproval of Permanent Cash Transfer - $29,462.43
Approval or Disapproval of Dixon Pest Control - $15,795.93
Approval or Disapproval of Walsh Gallegos Trevino Kyle & Robinson P.C. - Renewal of Membership in NM Legal Services Retainer
Bar# 0046 ~ Medicaid~25153 ~ Allocate Budget for State Match & Nurse's Supplies ~ $67,500.00
Bar# 0067-I ~ Operational ~11000~Cash Balance Reconciliation~$1,567,041
BAR # 0068-I - Pupil Transportation - 13000 - Cash Balance Reconciliation - $8,465.00
BAR # 0071-I - Non- Instructional Support - 23000 - Cash Balance Reconciliation - $14,416.00
BAR # 0072-I -Medcaid - 25153 - Cash Balance Reconcilitation - $375,148.00
BAR # 0073-D- Child & Adult Food Program - 24185 - Cash Balance Reconciliation - $28,902.00
BAR #0076-D - LANL - 26113 - Cash Balance Reconciliation - ($1.00)
BAR # 0077-D - Suicide Prevention - 28158 - Cash Balance Reconciliation - ($50.00)
BAR #0079-I - SB-9 Local Capital Improvements - 31701 - Cash Balance Reconciliation - $361,275.00
Bar# 0081-D ~ Ed. Technology Equipment Act ~31900~Cash Balance Reconciliation~($24,038.00)
BAR #0082-I - GO Debt Services - 41000 Cash Balance Reconciliation - $112,053.00
BAR #0083-I - ETN Debt Services - 43000 - Cash Balance Reconciliation - $226.00
BAR #0091-D - Ed Tech Equipment Act - 31900 - Cash Balance Reconciliation - $24,000.00
BAR # 0095-T - Career Technical Education- Next Gen - 27502 - To cover costs for career coaching & needs assessments at EVHS -N/A
BAR # 0096-T - Career Technical Education - Next Gen - 27502 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0097-I - ESSER III Student & Staff Development - 24344 - FY 22-23 Final Award & Carryover - $146,162.00
BAR # 0098-T- ARP ESSER III - 24330 - Special Contractors for PT, OT, Speech, etc. Supplies, Repair & Maintenance, and Indirect - $6,000,000.00
BAR #0099-T - Preschool IDEA - 24109 - To align budget with actual
BAR #0100-M - Homeless - 241139 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0101-M - Private School IDEA - 24115 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0102-M - ARP Preschool - 24349 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0103-M -ESSER III Round I- 24341 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0104-M - Individuals with Disabilities Ed Act IDEA ARP - 24346 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0105-M - Individuals with Disabilities Ed. Act IDEA ARP - 24346 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0106-T - Individuals with Disabilities Ed. Act IDEA ARP - 24346 - Transfer to cover retirement costs for Assistant Coordinator of Student Services
BAR #0107-M - ARPA - Homeless Children & Youth - 24350 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0108-M - Homeless Emergency Rescue Fund ARP III - 24355 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0109-I - IDEA B - 24106 - FY 22-23 Final Award Carryover - $98,213.00
BAR #0110-I - 21st Century - 24119 - FY 22-23 Final Award - $108,045.00
BAR #0111-M - 21st Century - 24119 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0113-T - 21st Century - 24119 - Transfer is to cover additional compensation for the Summer Program
BAR #0114-T - Student Support & Academic Achievement Title IV - 24189 - Transfer is for hotel costs for students that attended the Business Professionals of America State Competition
BAR #0115-M - Rural and Low Income School - 24160 - To align budget with actual
BAR #0116-M - Carl Perkins - 24174 - To align budget with actuals
Regular Board Meeting -July 6, 2023, 6:00 p.m. - EPS Educational Services Center