July 21, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order - Mr. Jeremy Maestas, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call - Mrs. Katrina Martinez, Board Secretary
Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (5 minutes maximum)
Recognition for the NMSBA Scholarship Award Recipient - Marissa Abeyta
Recognition of AJROTC Cadets
Wolfman Brothers - Website Configuration
IT Updates - Jose Estrada, IT Director
Plan B Networks - Project Updates
Board President Report
Superintendents Report
Deputy Superintendents Report
EXECUTIVE SESSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of the Espanola Public Schools will meet in Executive Session for the following purpose:
A. So that the Superintendent can discuss, and legal counsel can advise, regarding limited personnel matters as permitted under NMSA 1978, § 10-15-1(H)(2) of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act; specifically:
Approval or Disapproval to authorize the Superintendent and legal counsel to proceed as discussed in Executive Session in connection with Margarita Casias, as Personal Representative of the Estate of John Casias v. Board of Education of Espanola Public Schools, D-117-CV-2020-00423 (pending litigation)
Approval of Minutes - Work Session Board Meeting, July 7, 2022
Approval or Disapproval of Labatt food and non-food purchase for the 2022-2023 school year - $891,543.00 (food $838,737.00 & non-food $52,806.00)
Approval or Disapproval of Food Service Management Company contract for services at EVHS - $414,830.00
Approval or Disapproval of Commodity food processing with Jennie-O - $17,995.80
Approval or Disapproval of Commodity food processing with Yang's 5th Taste - $13,362.30
Approval or Disapproval of Commodity food processing with Labatt - $13,362.30
Approval or Disapproval of Commodity food processing with JTM - $17,995.80
Approval or Disapproval of Commodity food processing with Cargill - $16,674.84
Approval or Disapproval of Medicaid Cost of Random Moment Sample for Administrative Claiming - $6,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of HVAC Unit for Velarde Elem - $23,576.98
Approval or Disapproval for Outdoor Classroom Furniture from AK Sales - $81,416.96
Approval and Disapproval of Sivic Solutions Group/CES/Medicaid Processing - $25,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of RRH Educational Services - $20,000.00
Approval or Disapproval for Out-of-State Travel for Yolanda Esquibel and Martha Hererra to attend Edupoint Synergy Connect Conference in Nashville - $4,344.20
Approval or Disapproval of Alarm system installation by ADT for JHR - $24,008.16
Approval or Disapproval of Door Access Control at Elementary School Sites - $65,631.27
Approval or Disapproval of School Bus Contracts for Yolanda Gasca, L&L Transportation & Suazo Bus Service - $306,664.86
Approval or Disapproval of Zonar Systems - $6,628.08
Approval or Disapproval of Xcell Towers - $6,244.26
Approval or Disapproval of Robert's Truck Center - $30,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of Wright Express Fleet Fueling - $169,126.00
Approval or Disapproval of NMAA Membership Dues, Fees & Assessments Class 4A - $7,112.00
Approval or Disapproval of Smith's Grocery for HOPE student purchases - $10,000.00
Approval or Disapproval Chairs for JHR Computer Labs - $5,627.95
Approval or Disapproval of Lexia Software - $6,120.00
Approval or Disapproval of Cooking with Kids - $55,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of Contract for Rose-Ellen Garcia - $15,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of Contract with Rose Sinaloa - $15,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of PSA with KDCE - $15,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of Inventory Barcode Scanners from Frontline Education - $5,680.00
Approval or Disapproval of Wolfman Brothers - $24,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of The Irwin Law Firm, LLC - $34,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of Advanced Environmental I.A.Q - $8,688.76
BAR# 0001-IB - Fund 27149 - NM PreK - To reflection increase in classroom salaries per 2022 mandate - $28,287.00
BAR# 0002-M- Fund 27174- Carl Perkins - Transfer budget from salary to contract services for dual credit teacher at NNMC
Work Session Board Meeting - August 4, 2022; 5:30 p.m. - EPS Educational Services Center
BOE members will have building site visits district wide on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 and Wednesday, July, 27, 2022 from 8:00am to 4:00pm.