March 24, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order - Mr. Jeremy Maestas, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call - Mrs. Katrina Martinez, Board Secretary
Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (5 minutes maximum)
Debrief on Bus Crash 3-8-2022 - Alejandro Ortiz and Roberta Salazar
Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation for Assistance with Bus Crash
Clara Suazo - Driver
Marshall Garcia - Student
Board President Report
EVHS Student Representative
Superintendents Report
District Updates Regarding COVID-19
Chief Financial Officer Report
Facilities and Maintenance Director's Report
IT Manager's Report
Security Director's Report
Federal Programs Director's Report
Athletic Director's Report
Human Resources and Supports Report
Transportation Director
Food Services and Warehouse Director
Deputy Superintendents Report
ESC Educational Directors/Coordinators Reports
District Principals Report
Approval of Minutes - Special Board Meeting, February 25, 2022
Approval of Minutes - Work Session, March 3, 2022
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of Business Environment Furniture - $5,534.22
Approval or Disapproval of SY 2022-2023 Part Time Employee Resolution
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of Playground Equipment for Dixon Elementary - $38,972.86
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of Desks and Chairs for EVHS - $73,684.82
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of Desks and Chairs for Chimayo Elementary - $27,909.27
Approval or Disapproval of PR 3784 LD Supply, LLC - $10,765.75
Approval or Disapproval for Installation of New Wall Pads for EVHS - $7,493.92
Approval or Disapproval for Removal and Installation of Widescreen at EVHS - $26,658.95
Approval or Disapproval of Professional Service Agreement - ART Smart
Approval or Disapproval of the Purchase of Whiteboards for EVHS - School Outlet - $33,773.38
Approval or Disapproval of PR 3665 Robert's Truck Center - $14,245.00
Bar# 0054-I - Fund 25211 - GEAR UP - Additional Award for Texas Instrument Calculators - $48,172.00
Bar# 0055-I - Fund 13000 - Transportation - 1% ERB Emp Contribution Transportation - $5,641.00
Bar# 0056-D - Fund 24119 - 21st Century - Final FY21-22 Allocation - ($18,634.00)
Bar# 0057-IB - Fund 27153 - ELP Transportation - Final FY21-22 Allocation - $1,902.00
Bar# 0059-IB - Fund 26222 - Emergency Connectivity Fund SBC - ECF Commitment Decision (e-rate) - $1,087,936.00
Bar# 0060-I - Fund 11000 - Operational - 1% ERB Emp Contribution - Operational - $208,093.00
PED Permanent Cash Transfer - From Fund 31200 - To Fund 31701 - $814.31
PED Permanent Cash Transfer - From Fund 23010 - To Fund 29102 - $600.00
PED Permanent Cash Transfer - From Fund 23050 - To Fund 29102 - $9,880.00
EXECUTIVE SESSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of the Espanola Public Schools will meet in Executive Session for the following purpose:
Report on Closed Executive Session
Discussion and possible action related to next steps for filling Superintendent vacancy including adjustments, if any to Superintendent Search Plan
Work Session - April 7, 2022; 5:30 p.m. - EPS Educational Services Center