August 10, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Mr. Newman
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Newman
3. Roll Call
4. Call to the Public
This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.01 (G), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter; or to requesting the matter be put on a future agenda for further consideration at a later date.
5. Discussion/Action to approve the August 10, 2021 Agenda.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
6. Discussion/Action to approve the next Regular Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Tuesday, September 14, 2021 in San Manuel and via Zoom.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
7. Approval of Consent Agenda
Mr. Newman
7.A. Approve minutes of Regular Board Meeting, July 13, 2021
7.B. Approve Payroll Vouchers 7/23/2021-8/6/2021
7.C. Approve Expense Vouchers 7/16/2021-8/3/2021
7.D. Approve Mammoth-San Manuel Pre-K-12 Activity Reports, June 30, 2021
7.E. Approve Mammoth Revolving, June 30, 2021
8. Discussion/Action to approve employments/transfers per list:
Annette Reidhead, CTSO Advisor Terri Simon, CTE Director Gary Schmidt, CTSO Advisor Margaret Schofield, CTSO Advisor Nevolin McCrae, CTSO Advisor Pat Chacon, CTSO Advisor & New Teacher Training Jason Walden, College and Career Coordinator Gracie Laguna, Long Term Substitute Teacher & Head Varsity Fall Spirtline Coach & Training Rommell Rivera, Assistant Varsity Spiritline Coach Sarah Barney, Registration Carolyn Fears, Registration Serapio Rodriguez, Substitute Teacher & Junior High Volleyball Coach Kristina Zuniga-Waddell, Long Term Substitute Teacher Katie Smith, Long Term Substitute Teacher Alicia Clark, Bus Driver Scott Dean, New Teacher Training Laree Reidhead, Long Term Substitute Teacher & New Teacher Training Leticia Reidhead, Long Term Substitute Teacher & New Teacher Training Dawn Martinez, Training Eileen Merriman, Training Annette Soqui, Training Nicole Maghinay, Cafeteria worker Carol Verdugo, Assistant Volleyball Coach Julian Rodriguez, Junior High Football Coach David Yonkin, Volunteer Junior High Football Coach Bill Smith, Volunteer Junior High Football Coach
Mrs. Dale-Scott
9. Discussion/Action to approve the following resignations:
Lori Tate, Teacher, effective July 13, 2021 (3 years) Lorelie McRae, Teacher, effective July 13, 2021 Lillian Campos, Bus Driver, effective July 28, 2021 (11 months)
Mrs. Dale-Scott
10. Discussion/Action to approve Voucher 2203 to the San Manuel Miner for $226.62.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
11. Discussion/Action to approve the 2021-2022 extracurricular and class fees.
Dr. Poppen
12. Discussion/Action to approve the Mammoth-San Manuel Pre-K-12 School Student/Parent Handbooks.
Dr. Poppen
13. Discussion/Action to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Central Arizona College for dual credit.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
14. Discussion/Action to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the University of Arizona for the Pathways Program.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
15. Discussion/Action to approve the first reading on the following policies:
BDF-Advisory Committees BEDD- Rules of Order BEDH- Public Participation at Board Meetings BIB- Board Member Development Opportunities DIE- Audits/ Financial Monitoring DJ- Purchasing EEAEA- Bus Driver Requirements/Training and Responsibilities GBGB-R- Staff Personal Security and Safety GCB- Professional Staff Contracts and Compensation GCF- Professional Staff Hiring GDB- Support Staff Contracts and Compensation GDF- Support Staff Hiring IC- School Year IHA- Basic Instructional Program IHAMB- Family Education IHAMD- Instruction and Training in Suicide Prevention IJ- Instructional Resources and Materials IJJ- Textbook/Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption IMB- Teaching About Controversial/ Sensitive Issues JFAA- Admission of Resident Students JFAB- Tuition/ Admission of Nonresident Students JFB- Open Enrollment JK- Student Discipline JKD- Student Suspension JKE- Student Expulsion JLCB- Immunizations of Students JLF- Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection KB- Parental Involvement in Education
Mrs. Dale-Scott
16. Superintendent Update
Mrs. Dale-Scott
16.A. Community Schools Update
17. Adjourn
Mr. Newman