June 8, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Mr. Newman
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Newman
3. Roll Call
4. Call to the Public
This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.01 (G), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter; or to requesting the matter be put on a future agenda for further consideration at a later date.
5. Discussion/Action to approve the June 8, 2021 Agenda.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
6. Discussion/Action to approve the next Regular Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Tuesday, July 13, 2021 in San Manuel and via Zoom and Special Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Thursday, June 17, 2021 in San Manuel and via Zoom.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
7. Check-and-Connect Presentation
Dr. Poppen
8. Approval of Consent Agenda
Mr. Newman
8.A. Approve minutes of Regular Board Meeting, May 11, 2021
8.B. Approve Payroll Vouchers 5/14/2021-6/11/2021
8.C. Approve Expense Vouchers 5/11/2021-6/2/2021
8.D. Approve Mammoth Revolving, April 30, 2021
8.E. Approve Mammoth-San Manuel Pre-K-12 Activity Reports, April 30, 2021
9. Discussion/Action to approve employments/transfers per list:
Kristoffer Viloria, Teacher Philip Sapasap, Teacher Scott Dean, Teacher Rachelle Mortensen, Summer Secretary Terri Derrick, Health Aide Summer Carolyn Fears, Paraprofessional Scott Dean, Head Boy's Basketball Coach & Junior High Football Coach Ernie Ivy, Head Varsity Football Coach Lois Abbott, Summer School Food Service Mary Rodriguez, Summer School Food Service Cecilia Pyritz, Summer School Food Service Meagan Ivy, Summer School Food Service
Mrs. Dale-Scott
10. Discussion/Action to approve the following resignations:
Mikeal Cruce, Maintenance, effective May 21, 2021 (3 years)
Mrs. Dale-Scott
Becca Wintz, Teacher, effective May 24, 2019 (3 years)
Crystal Garcia, Custodian, effective December 18, 2018 ( 1 day) |
11. Discussion/Action to approve Voucher 2185 to the San Manuel Miner for $66.38.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
12. Discussion/Action to approve the expenditure of monies for any subsection within the M & O Fund in excess of amounts specified in the budget. Total expenditures of the M & O fund may not exceed the budgeted amount.
Mrs. Adams
13. Discussion/Action to approve the second reading on Policy IKFB Graduation Exercises.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
14. Discussion/Action to approve the Sole Source List.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
15. Discussion/Action to approve the donation of six bicycles and helmets valued at $2,780.00 from Saddlebrooke Cyclemasters Cycling Club to the Mammoth-San Manuel Pre-K-12 School.
Dr. Poppen
16. Discussion/Action to approve the donation of $7000.00 from Saddlebrooke Community Outreach to Mammoth-San Manuel Community Schools for Summer Sports Camp and Summer School field trips.
Ms. Armenta
17. Superintendent Update
Mrs. Dale-Scott
17.A. Community Schools Update
17.B. Enrollment
18. Action/Discussion to recess to Executive Session Pursuant A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(5)Superintendent's Evaluation.
Mr. Newman
19. Reconvene Regular Meeting
Mr. Newman
20. Adjourn
Mr. Newman