November 10, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Mr. Newman
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Newman
3. Roll Call
Mr. Newman
4. Call to the Public
Mr. Newman
This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.01 (G), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter; or to requesting the matter be put on a future agenda for further consideration at a later date.
5. Discussion/Action to approve the November 10, 2020 Agenda.
Mr. Newman
6. Discussion/Action to approve the next Regular Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Tuesday, December 8, 2020 in San Manuel and on Zoom.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
7. Approval of Consent Agenda
7.A. Approve Minutes for Regular Board Meeting October 13, 2020
7.B. Approve Payroll Vouchers 10/16/2020-10/30/2020
7.C. Approve Expense Vouchers 10/7/2020-10/22/2020
7.D. Approve Mammoth Revolving Fund ending 9/30/2020
7.E. Approve Mammoth-San Manuel Pre-K-12 School Reports 9/30/2020
8. Discussion/Action to approve employments/transfers per list:
Samantha Waddell, Volunteer Spiritline Coach Tammi Whitebear, Paraprofessional Lynn Woolever-Telleen, CTE Director, FFA Advisor, CTSO Advisor & Advisory Committee Member Dave Jungbluth, Advisory Committee Member Isabel Austin, Advisory Committee Member Stepheena Huerta, Advisory Committee Member Vicki Miles, Advisory Committee Member Annette Reidhead, Advisory Committee Member & CTSO Advisor Cindy Robles, Advisory Committee Member Margaret Schofield, Advisory Committee Member Cynthia Stratton, Advisory Committee Member Carol Verdugo, Advisory Committee Member Evette Romero, Baccalaureate/Graduation Coordinator Cindy Robles, 8th Grade Promotion Sponsor Connie Bracewell, National Junior High Honor Society Sponsor Nevolin JoAnn McCrea, High School Student Council Sponsor & CTSO Advisor Margaret Schofield, AP Club Sponsor & CTSO Advisor John Enriquez, Art Club Sponsor Isabel Austin, Elementary Student Council Sponsor Veronica Fry, Elementary Student Council Sponsor Yvette Guerrero, National Honor Society Sponsor Richard Stocking, Junior Class Sponsor Evette Romero, Senior Class Sponsor Gracie Laguna, Sophomore Class Sponsor Margaret Schofield, Yearbook Sponsor J. Damon Lovato, Athletic Director Stipend Gary Schmidt, CTSO Advisor
Mrs. Dale-Scott
9. Discussion/Action to approve 301 Performance Plan.
Mrs. Dale-Scott
10. Superintendent Update
10.A. Community Schools Update
10.B. Enrollment
11. Adjourn