August 13, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Mr. Phelps
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Phelps
3. Roll Call
Mr. Phelps
4. Call to the Public
This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.01 (G), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter; or to requesting the matter be put on a future agenda for further consideration at a later date.
5. Discussion/Action to approve the Agenda.
Mr. Ryan
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the August 13, 2013 Agenda.
6. Discussion/Action to approve the next meeting date.
Mr. Ryan
Regular Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Tuesday, September 10, 2013 in San Manuel.
7. Approval of Consent Agenda
Mr. Phelps
7.A. Approve Minutes for Regular Board Meeting July 9, 2013
7.B. Approve Payroll Vouchers 7/19/2013-8/16/2013
7.C. Approve Expense Vouchers 7/16/2013-8/2/2013
7.D. Approve Student Activity Account ending 6/30/13
7.E. Approve Mammoth Revolving Fund ending 6/30/13
7.F. Approve the second reading of Policy J-2350 Student Dress and Regulation J-2361 Student Dress.
7.G. Approve the second reading of Policy G-0800 Staff Dress Code and G-0811 Regulation Staff Dress Code.
8. Discussion/Action to approve employment/transfers per list:
Mr. Ryan
Hugh Smith, English Teacher
Lisa Uttecht, Elementary Teacher Desiree Romo, Junior High Student Council Rebecca Churchman, Senior Class Sponsor Ryan Sichting, Junior Class Sponsor Cynthia Stratton, Sophomore Class Sponsor Vicki Miles, NHS Sponsor Denise Fisher, NJHS Sponsor Gary Faulkenberry, CTE Department Chair Dave Jungbluth, Social Studies Department Chair Terri Simon, Language Arts Department Chair Justin Miles, Science Department Chair Cindy Robles, Math Department Chair Cindy Robles, 8th Grade Promotion Addendum Margaret Schofield, Yearbook Daniel Miner, Music Addendum Terri Simon, Graduation Addendum Cindy Robles, Pinal CC Companion Tool Susan Kisling, Pinal CC Companion Tool Margaret Schofield, Pinal CC Companion Tool Heonmi Kim, Pinal CC Companion Tool Rebecca Churchman, Pinal CC Companion Tool Steve Elmore, Pinal CC Companion Tool Vicki Miles, Pinal CC Companion Tool Evette Romero, Pinal CC Companion Tool Desiree Romo, Pinal CC Companion Tool Amber Pallanes, Pinal CC Companion Tool Beth Smith, Pinal CC Companion Tool Denise Fisher, Pinal CC Companion Tool Terri Simon, Pinal CC Companion Tool Andrew Madrid, Pinal CC Companion Tool Yvette Guerrero, Pinal CC Companion Tool Annette Aguirre, Pinal CC Companion Tool Isabel Austin, Pinal CC Companion Tool Eileen Merriman, Pinal CC Companion Tool Stella Miller, Pinal CC Companion Tool Mark Parrish, Pinal CC Companion Tool Veronica Fry, Pinal CC Companion Tool Amy Triphan, Pinal CC Companion Tool Wendy Torres, Pinal CC Companion Tool Sabrina Cazares, Pinal CC Companion Tool Manuel Chavez, Pinal CC Companion Tool Amanda Trejo, Pinal CC Companion Tool Mike Sloan, Pinal CC Companion Tool Windy Messing, Pinal CC Companion Tool Marcheta Vender, Pinal CC Companion Tool Deanne Brewer, Pinal CC Companion Tool Tara Garcia, Pinal CC Companion Tool Annette Reidhead, Pinal CC Companion Tool Karen Nowell, Pinal CC Companion Tool Tanya Ruiz, Pinal CC Companion Tool Dawn Martinez, Pinal CC Companion Tool Brian Parisot, Pinal CC Companion Tool Hugh Smith, Pinal CC Companion Tool Scott Bardin, Pinal CC Companion Tool Hugh Smith, Pinal CC Companion Tool Valerie Rickert, Pinal CC Companion Tool Cindy Robles, extra class period per day Alex Gort, Swim team Coach Amanda Trejo, Junior High Volleyball Coach Beth Smith, Volleyball Coach Cynthia Stratton, Junior HighVolleyball Coach Dave Jungbluth, Junior High Football Coach David Yonkin, Junior High Football Coach Volunteer Deanne Brewer, Volleyball Coach Freddy Burnham, Football Coach Genevieve Burnham, JV Spiritline Coach Joe Estrada, Football Coach Volunteer Josh Zazueta, Football Coach Lisa Uttecht, Cross Country Coach Volunteer Margarito Bejarano, Football Coach Maria Lopez, Cross Country Coach Ryan Sichting, Junior High Football Coach Steve Elmore, Football Coach Liz Zazueta, Spiritline Coach Rosemary Carbajal, change in hours |
9. Discussion/Action to approve the following resignations, retirements and leave of absences:
Mr. Ryan
Marge Garcia, effective 8/2/2013, retirement ( 36 years)
Rebecca Zazueta, effective 7/15/13, (6 years)
10. Discussion/Action to approve the Sole Source List.
Mr. Ryan
11. Discussion/action to approve the facility rental fees.
Mr. Ramirez
12. Discussion/Action to approve the sports activity fees, class fees and club fees at San Manuel Junior/Senior High School.
Mr. Trejo
Class Fees:
Art class: $10.00 Automotive: $10.00 Woods: $10.00 School Lock: $6.00 Sports Activity Fee: First Activity: $30.00 Second Activity: $25.00 Third Activity: $20.00 Club Fees: Art Club: $1.00 SADD: $1.00 Music (Band /Choir) $1.00 Yearbook: $1.00 Character Education: $1.00 Newspaper: $1.00 Library/Book Club: $1.00 Industrial Tech (woods/autos): $1.00 National Junior Honor Society: $1.00 Advance Placement Club: $1.00 Letter Club: $1.00 Spirit Club: $1.00 Student Council: $1.00 Fellowship of Christian Athletes: $1.00 National Honor Society: $1.00 AIMS: $1.00 Junior High Student Council: $1.00 Peer Mediation: $1.00
13. Discussion/Action to approve the use of Civic Center funds to reseal the main district parking lot not to exceed $22,000.
Mr. Ryan
14. Superintendent Update
14.A. Community Schools Update
14.B. Community Schools Expense Report
15. Adjourn
Mr. Phelps