November 5, 2022 at 8:30 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1) Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum
Jason Hudson called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.
2) Invocation
David Tremor led the invocation.
3) Pledge of Allegiance
Shelly Slaughter led the Pledge of Allegiance.
4) Public Comments/Open Forum: BED(LOCAL)
There were no public comments.
5) Executive Session: Executive Session will be held for the purpose of consideration of matters for which closed or executive sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Section (551.071), (551,072), (551.074), (551.087).
There was no closed executive session.
6) Board to reconvene into open session.
7) Discussion items/Work Session.
7)a. Lone Star Governance
Dr. Delic Lloyd
The board had a training session with Dr. Delic Lloyd.
The board went into recess at 9:11 am. and reconvened at 9:19 am. |
8) Action Items: The board will consider, discuss and take appropriate action regarding the following items:
8)a. Consider Resolution to Fill Unexpired Board Term on Hopkins County Appraisal District Board of Directors.
This item died on the floor.
8)b. Consider Adjunct Faculty Agreement with Texas A & M AgriLife.
8)c. Consider Resolution Granting Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization.
8)d. Consider extra duty stipends, as presented.
8)e. Consider Interlocal Agreement with Hopkins County.
9) Future agenda items.
The future agenda items discussed were facilities update with HWH and GLS, and the quarterly board tracker and rough draft of board procedures with a strategic plan.
10) Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 am.